Friday, October 31, 2008

What You Must Know About Boxer Dog Training

Boxer dogs are very intelligent, admirable and loyal home pets. Most people are attracted towards this breed because they are just admirable and also like them because they are intelligent and prefer having the boxer dog as their home pet dog due to their loyal nature. Boxer dog training does however require a lot of effort and attention from your part when compared to other dogs. You can start boxer dog training programs when they reach around 13 weeks old. This dog breed also learns faster compared to other dogs.

You should know that boxer dogs get bored quite fast and so you should prepare some arrangements wherein your boxer dogs is engaged the entire day. The best solution to this is to provide toys to your boxer when training them. The boxer dog would keep playing with the toys for the entire day. You can give different colours and types of toys so that he would have an option to play with the other if one toy is again boring.

You should also find some time so that you stay and play around with your boxer dog. Make sure that you do not let go the unique abilities of your dog but should encourage the dog and also help the dog to improve their abilities during the boxer dog training. If you spare some time with your boxer dog they would not feel left alone, won't get bored and they will realize that there is someone in the house to love and care for them. This would make him happy and your boxer dog will soon start learning different obedience and other skills that you teach him. You can also give your boxer dog some special training like you can train him to search for hidden things.

Apart from this you should also make sure that your boxer dog is given a proper diet when training them. Make sure that your boxer dog does not eat any food that might affect their health or make them temporary sick. You should rather opt for some special boxer dog foods which are easily available in the market as they would help in improving the strength of your boxer dog and also increase their intelligence. You should remember to always provide fresh food to your boxer dog in order to keep them healthy. Additionally you should also make sure that you wash the food utensil of the dog every time you feed them.

You should also take your boxer for a walk at least once a day. Taking your boxer dog out for a walk is really important as it helps them come across other people in the society and be obedient. The boxer dog being an intelligent breed it would soon find out any harmful or wrong happenings in the surrounding and soon protect themselves resulting in effective boxer dog training. Apart from this there are also other training methods you can use or can also send your boxer dog to special dog training programs to make an intelligent and strong pet companion.

By: Jason Rusch

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Thursday, October 30, 2008

Training Your Dog to Fetch in Simple Steps

Teaching your dog to fetch is a great way to burn off some of the energy that your dog might have. It is a simple game, and probably the most well known of all dog games, but does require a bit of training for the dog to get right. If used properly then you can extend the length of the walk by getting your dog to run all over the place. However if your dog isn't trained to fetch you will find yourself spending more time looking for the ball then giving the dog exercise.

When training your dog you will be using treats, so don't try training after meals when the dog isn't hungry. Also never train a tired dog as it is likely to end in frustration when the dog can't seem to take anything in. The most important tool in dog training is patience, so don't get angry if your dog doesn't get the game right away.

Start off by training in a controlled environment such as your living room, and throw a ball or toy a small distance away. When your dog picks it up, praise him until he comes back to you. You want the dog to come right to you and allow you to take the ball back.

Another command that could be introduced is the "give" command. When you take the ball from the dog say "give" so that the dog begins to know it has to give whatever it is holding to you on this command.

Would you like to understand what your dog is saying to you? To receive a free report on dog body language, please click here!

Richard Cross is owner of the Pets Clinic website. Pets clinic provides health information and advice about all kinds of pets, with new articles added daily.

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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Dog Training Leads And How To Start Dog Training Products Business?

Dogs often require to be trained in obedience and other training forms before they can serve people or be able to associate with other people and dogs.This article will provide you Dog Training Leads information also it will show you how you can make some extra money by starting a Dog training products business.

What you need to Consider When Buying Dog Training Leads?

For most dogs, there is a need for dog training leads especially younger dogs. There are two major things that need to be considered when you get dog training leads for your dogs. The very first thing to consider when buying training leads is the size of the dog that you have.

Dogs grow quickly so you might try to anticipate the actually size of your dog when it matures when you think of buying a dog training lead. If the puppy is still too small for a large sized training lead, get an ordinary leash for the puppy until it grows enough to be trained.

The best use Of Dog Training Leads

Do you know why need dog training leads? Many people ask why we need dog training leads. Actually, these training leads are a safety precaution on top of the fact that it trains our dogs to stay close to us.

It is a safety precaution for times when the dog is still not well trained enough and might lunge after people or other animals. Leads for dog training keep dogs in check and keep you away from any liabilities if you are vigilant.

How can you make money Selling Dog Training Products?

You can can you make money Selling Dog Training Products, if you run it as a business!. If you are a stay at home parent, that does not mean that you cannot earn income to contribute to the family coffers.

There is a lot of stay at home parents that are actually earning fulltime income working in the comforts of their homes. If you are a dog lover, one of the best ways for you to earn income while staying at home with the kids is to sell dog training products online.

Are Dog training products are some of the most salable items?

Sure it is.Dog training products are some of the most salable items online so you have a fair chance of earning money. Moreover, selling dog training products online does not really need a huge start-up capital on your part.

You do not really have to keep an inventory of dog training products if you are selling them online. As long as you have access to these products, you can already put these things up for sale on your website.

How to start dog training products business online?

You have to think before you start building your website. You need to find the right dog training products to sell online.

You need to do some research on the different dog training products available in the market. Study each product carefully and make sure that these products are really what they claim to be. Once you are sure which products you want to sell online, find a good supplier who can provide you with these products anytime you need them.

How to drive Traffic To You Site?

Having a good website is not really a guarantee that you will be able to sell some dog training products. Note that there are thousands of other websites out there that are selling dog training products so you need to work hard to attract customers and beat your competitors.

To drive traffic to your site, you need to advertise. Use those free advertising sites to get you started. You can also send emails to friends, relative and colleagues telling them about your business.

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Monday, October 27, 2008

Leash Training – Dog Training

Leash training or lead training is the discussion of many dog trainers in this modern age and discussions of how to train your dog in the nicest possible way are aplenty. These discussions are brought about by people and dog trainers believing that pulling on the leash to correct a dog’s behavior is causing injury to the dog.

I’m not here to discus this also, but I certainly don’t believe there is anything wrong with leash training if it is done in the correct way and care is taken not to hurt the dog or give any sudden forceful pulls on the leash.

Leash dog training is equally as popular as any other form of dog training within the expert dog training community because when done properly it gets results quickly and effectively.

Leash training is used by correcting your dog’s movements and gently tugging on the leash to force the dog to go in a way they would not have originally gone and to direct them in the favoured way for the training exercise in hand. Often the problems of leash training are with getting your dog comfortable with the leash and collar so I will briefly discus the key aspects of getting your dog to behave when going for walks on a leash and the problems you might face.

Some dogs are excited to get their collar on and other are not so fond of it, train your dog to sit and stay first before learning to take your dog on a leash, many dogs like to wriggle around and run about wile you try to put a collar or lead on them so the sit stay commands will be essential.

While doing any pre-leash exercises or walks if your dog misbehaves by being too excited you should simply remain calm and not go for walks until they are acting appropriately, this should calm your dog down and act as a light punishment for them.

When starting leash training, begin in your own home and then work your way up to more populated and new and interesting places, if your dog misbehaves or is pulling on the leash constantly when they are out then discipline accordingly, and as always practice will be the deciding factor to how quickly your dog will accomplish good behavior.

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3 Steps for Teaching Fido the Basic Behavior Dog Training

At one time or another, almost all dog owners will have to use some sort of Basic Behavior Dog Training for their pet. When looking at ways to start basic behavior dog training, you will first need to figure out exactly what type of training is needed. If any behavior problems are apparent in your dog, or are causing a problem in your home, then you will need to start doing some basic behavior dog training. In your search for the best dog training, you should be able to find the best basic behavior dog training program that suits your lifestyle, your dog, and yourself.

Quality basic behavior dog training is the ultimate gift you can give to your dog. Whenever you use quality basic behavior dog training, it ensures that the dog's experience will be positive and a long lasting, irreversible bond between your family and the new pet. On the surface you might think that basic behavior dog training is a process which benefits only the new dog owner. Of course this is definitely true since anytime that you use any type of basic behavior dog training that you would be owning a well disciplined, and controllable pet. Soon though, you will learn that basic behavior dog training is more of a benefit to the dog than the owner. In other words, an untrained dog quickly becomes a nuisance where as a dog that has had basic behavior dog training becomes a welcome addition to the home.

If you are unable to hire the services of a professional to do the basic behavior dog training, then I highly recommend you search for instructions on how to do dog behavior training yourself. Many of the basic behavior dog training problems (such as barking, biting & digging) oftentimes stem from a lack of communication, or miscommunication between you the owner and your dog.

It is important that you find out how to correct any basic behavior dog training problems through obedience training. It is always very important that you reward good behavior by giving your dog positive feedback and perhaps a few yummy dog treats or biscuits, when they do something that you want them to do. You are the best person in the world to train your dog and soon will be able to teach him basic behavior dog training.

Is your dog disobedient? Does your dog embarrass you in public? And are you sick of excessive biting, barking, whining, etc? Sign up for our free newsletter about basic behavior dog training at

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Sunday, October 26, 2008

Online Dog Training

If you don't have access to a dog training school or a trainer, then online dog training will teach you what you need to know about training your dog. You can enrol in dog training classes online and learn all the techniques and secrets of the professional dog trainers. There are several different types of dog training obedience training, behavior training and activity dog training.

With just 20 minutes a day, you can learn to train your dog with the methods from an online school. You can incorporate what you learn into the dog's regular routine. In this eight week course, the dog learns through fun and games how to do what you want it to do. Some of the things you will learn how to do include:

- How to get your dog to look at you

- To sit and stay on command

- To come when you call

- To use its nose to find objects

- To fetch and retrieve

- To change its biting and chewing behaviors

In addition to the things you learn about how to train your dog, in an online course you will also learn about innate dog behavior. This will help you understand why your dog acts as it does. You will also learn the value of using positive reinforcement and rewards to condition the dog and how to deal with behavior problems. For example, a trick you will learn about keeping the dog off the furniture is to cover it with a blanket of adhesive tape. Then his fur will stick to the tape and he won't be so quick to jump up on the couch

For lots of information on the basics of dog training and other dog training tips and advice, visit Your Dog Training Guide at

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Dog Training Techniques: How Dog Training Has Progressed Over the Last Few Decades

When a dog owner looks down at their brand new, small and tender puppy quietly sleeping in its little bed, it's difficult to think that in just two to three months it may grow to be 40, 50, or even up to 100 pounds depending on the type of breed. Although your dog’s behavior may cute at first, like jumping up and putting his front paws on your body, these actions will be far less pleasurable when your dog is all grown up and literally knocking you over.

The best thing to do is to start training your puppy from the first day so that he can learn good manners as he grows into adulthood. Dogs that are not trained in this manner usually wind up learning all of the wrong stuff and their owners wonder why they cannot seem to get their dogs to behave as they age.

In the past, when dog training methods used more punishment oriented (using harsh treatment to train puppies), dog trainers normally required all puppy trainees to be at least 6 months old. The reason was because to the fact that such physical correction protocols used could not be done with dogs that were considered too small or too young.

What is ironic about dog training in past decades is that by the time most puppies are six months old they are big enough and very stubborn enough to ignore commands and are altogether difficult to train.

Modern Times Bring Better Dog Training Methods

Over the last couple of decades, the dog training profession has accepted more friendly and loving training tactics for their puppy clients. Many dog trainers now accept puppies that are as young as eight to ten weeks old. They are normally enrolled in socialization classes and puppy kindergarten.

Good training is now used instead of the old-school methods of bad reinforcement. Many puppies are taught to walk calmly on the leash. They learn the essential commands of sit, stay, lie down, and come. Furthermore, other useful techniques are learned by puppies such as how to calm down, give and take their paw, and polite greeting.

Today Dog Owners Are More Involved With Training

Another interesting portion of raising dogs that has been noted over the last 10 years is that more and more dog owners have taken it upon themselves to train their own puppies.

This is because to the fact that so many dog training publications and manuals have been published. Today’s dog training programs are based more and more on scientific principles and psychological studies of dog behavior and temperament.

Several puppy training programs have taught dog owners to utilize methods such as clicker training and luring.

Clicker training includes the use of a small mechanism that makes a clicking sound when pressed. When your dog hears the sound he will associate the click with whatever reward you give him. This actually tells the dog that something good is coming and he should repeat whatever behavior or action you taught him.

Luring dog training techniques involves using food such as a dog treat, or even a toy, to induce the dog to display a precise behavior in order to follow the lure in hopes of receiving the reward.

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Saturday, October 25, 2008

Dog and Puupy Training Tips

Dog and Puppy Training Tips

If it's one thing we've learned it's that training your dog is a mixture of 2 parts patience and 8 parts persistence. Recently we brought home a new member of our "pack". It was immediately determined that we (the dog and the family) needed training to help him fit in.

We signed up for "Dog Obedience" training sponsored by one of the big Pets* stores. The once per week class was made up of many different breeds and ages (both two-legged and four-legged ;) ). The trainer was good but not great - definitely not Cesar Millan.

What did we learn? The following tips are what we took away from the class:

  • You must be patient and persistent.
  • You must have your dog’s attention your dog's attention.
  • The right supplies are a must (a six foot training lead and a training collar, and snacks for rewards).
  • Always use praise (and rewards) your dog when he learns a new command or trick.
  • Never hit or spank your dog. To correct your dog’s bad behavior, use the opportunity to teach him the 'stop!', 'no!', or ‘stay’.
  • Spent some time playing with your dog - daily. This strengthens your bond with you dog.
  • Do a bit of training everyday – your dog’s skills must be reinforced.
  • And finally – do not rush the training of your dog.

John is the pack leader of four: 2 Doixes, 1 Papillon, 1 "mostly-Boxer". The pack resides in Southern California.

Copyright 2006 Dog and Puppy Training Tips to read more.

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Friday, October 24, 2008

Dog Training Supplies - Dog Collars

When it comes to dog training supplies, there is a never ending list of items. The most common dog training item is the dog collar. Here we will discuss the many types of dog collars and which may be best for your dog.

Regular dog collars come in a variety of sizes, colors and looks. From plain black to fancy designs, you can purchase a collar that sets the mood your looking for.

Collars are considered dog training supplies when a collar is used as a tool to train your dog. A simple chain collar that can be tightened is easily used by all house members when training a dog. A quick snap or pull on the collar will get your dog to stop misbehaving.

Dog training collars can be a life saver for some. These shock collars can provide you with the tool necessary to train your dog. When your dog misbehaves you simple touch a button on the collar which gives out a sensation that the dog finds unpleasant. The dog will soon associate the unpleasant feeling with the misbehavior. These dog training supplies are available online and at local dog supply shops. Purchase one that can be set to a low shock wave, just enough to make it uncomfortable for your dog and not hurt him.

Another type of dog training collar is an electronic collar that gives off an unpleasant sound wave. This has the same effect as the shock collar but without physically shocking the dog. These come in all sizes, whether your dog is small or large, there is a collar that will suit your dogs needs.

Dog training supplies also include no-bark collars. These are set to give a small shock whenever the dog barks. Teaching your dog with dog training collars can make your dog training efforts much easier and more efficient.

For More Information on Dog Training Please Visit Dog Training Network

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Dog Obedience Training - 7 Things You Need To Know

To be able to conduct your own dog obedience training , you must know a few things. These are essential to the success of your dog training . Without these, the training may not be as effective as it could be. Ask any expert dog trainer and they will probably agree with this list.

1.How To Use Positive Reinforcement

You must know when it is time to reward your dog , and when not to. Dog obedience training requires that your dog is being rewarded for doing the right things.

2.What To Do When Your Dog Is Unhappy

Dogs can get angry at times. You do not want this is interfere with the training . It is important to know how to calm or cheer up your dog .

3. How To Control Your Dog

You own the dog, not the other way around. Many dog owners forget this and just give in whenever their dog is disobedient. Do not let his happen. This will keep your dog obedient.

4. When To Correct Your Dog

Sometimes a dog just needs to be a dog. Other times they need to be corrected or punished. There is a certain way to correct your dog while retaining its trust.

5. When To Begin Training

Sometimes it just is not the right time to start dog training. You must know when both you and your dog are ready to go. Dog obedience training cannot be initiated whenever the owner feels like it.

6.When To Give Your Dog A Break

Do not push your dog too hard. It will tire out and may doing what it is told. This will hinder any sort of training. Your dog will not be obedient if it does not even have the energy to do so.

7. How To Praise Your Dog

You need to know how to make your dog feel good about itself. Just like with positive reinforcement, dog obedience training requires that you praise your dog when it deserves praise.

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Thursday, October 23, 2008

Dog Obedience Training - How To

Obedience training is also an easy way to establish the social hierarchy. The most important thing to remember about dog obedience training is that dogs are generally easy to teach and eager to learn.One very good reason for implementing obedience training is to establish a foundation from which you and your dog will learn to successfully relate to one another.

Nearly all behavior problems are perfectly normal canine activities that occur at the wrong time or place or are directed at the wrong thing. The capacity to learn basic obedience and even complicated behavior is inherent in all dogs. Training is most effective when dogs or cats are rewarded for the good or desirable things they do while being ignored, redirected or corrected for showing unwanted behavior.

Training your dog involves a routine of rules that the dog is expected to follow. Training opens up a line of communication between you and your dog. Training for obedience competitions builds on basic obedience training. Dogs are social animals and without proper training, they will behave like animals.

A good trainer will never use food as the ONLY inducement for making a dog obedient, but if your slow performer peps up when you give food, use it to overcome problems. A dog trained for obedience is a content, balanced and happy dog. For a dog to be considered obedient rather than simply trained in obedience, it must respond reliably each time the command is given, by what is commonly known as its handler.

Dogs are pack animals and are genetically programmed to enjoy following a benevolent leader. It is NOT necessary to establish yourself as top dog or leader of the pack by using extreme measures such as the so-called alpha roll-over. Most dogs love performing these tricks (obedience commands) for you which also pleasantly acknowledge that you are in charge. More than just a pet, your dog is part of the family.

Obedience training is the key to having a dog that is an enjoyable pet. Obedience training is not to teach dogs to do tricks or competition exercises, it's to train dogs to be obedient, to do what they're told to do. In fact, obedience training is critical in nurturing the most positive aspects of human-animal relationship. Now, we understand how important canine obedience training is. Basic Obedience training is a must to ensure a well balanced and happy life with your dog.

By: Allen McDaniel

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Dog Obedience Training

Dogs are social animals and a lack of training can bring out the wild behavior in them. Dog obedience training helps your dog develop good behavior. Obedience training is great for your dog, as it is a good mental exercise that enables the dog to live happier and with more freedom.

When a dog destroys your belongings because playing is ripping things to shreds, or goes to the bathroom everywhere because it knows no better, it’s time for dog obedience training. The training may not resolve all the dog’s behavioral problems, but will certainly solve some of them. The most important skill needed in dog obedience training is effective communication that enables your dog to obey any command such as ‘heel,’ ‘stay,’ ‘sit’ and ‘come.’ Make sure that the obedience training sessions are not boring but rewarding for both you and your dog.

The two most popular and important styles of obedience training are leash/collar training and reward training. Reward training is a less intense approach then the leash/collar training. In reward training, the dog is encouraged and rewarded for good behavior. Always remember that learning will be faster, if you reward your dog for good behavior. It is equally important to praise the dog. Obedience training sessions should be short and constant as a dog’s behavior can change from time to time, so constant training is always a good idea.

The key to preventing or treating behavior problems is learning to teach the dog to redirect his natural behavior to outlets that are acceptable in domestic settings.

Obedience training doesn't solve all behavior problems, but it is the foundation for solving just about any dog problem.

Dog Training provides detailed information on Dog Training, Dog Obedience Training, Dog Agility Training, Dog Training Collars and more. Dog Training is affiliated with How To Build A Dog Kennel.

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About Dog Training Collars

You will find dozens of dog training collars when searching for dog training supplies.

There are several types of dog training collars because each is used for a different kind of training.

It is important to research these different kinds of collars to know which is best for your dog or the type of training you will be doing.

Common types of dog collars are choke collars, electronic collars, no-bark collars and harnesses.

Dog training collars are different from regular every day collars because they help you discipline your dog when needed. For example choke collars are used by gently tugging on your dog to keep it from misbehaving.

Electronic collars are also used with a remote control to keep your dog out of trouble or from barking in unneeded situations. A light and harmless electric pulse is sent to your dog through the collar when pressing the button on the remote control.

All these types of collars are useful but it is important that you check with your vet or online to make sure that the collars are safe for your dog and if they address the training needs you have.

Remember also that training should be fun, do not overuse dog training collars and make sure that your dog is comfortable and does not become afraid.

In many cases certain kinds of dog training collars are better used by a professional dog trainer.

Do some research and find out which dog training collar is best for your dog and remember to have fun while training.

Want to Learn More about Dog Training? Get More Tips and Information on Dog Training Collars and More!

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Dog Training Collar

Dog training collar this is exactly what it says it is this revolutionary way of what i would call making your dog do all the right things the dos the do not, in essence the collar trains the dog not the owner maybe the people that invented this contraption wanted the dog and the dog training collar to form a bond more than the owners themselves with the dog!

It`s a glorified electronic way to train your dog, but to me i personally prefer to use good old fashioned dog obedience training-dog house training, as I've said time and time again in my dog training article's there's good and bad method's in dog training book's , dog training school's, and all over the internet granted. However i feel if a trainer develope's a natural instinct and feel for their dog during dog training this is what form's that nessesary bond! I feel that using a dog training collar abandon`s natural reflex response's between owner and dog which make's for a less enjoyable experience that i loved when i trained my dog oscar i trained him with gesture's and verbal command`s so the dog didn't feel forced like with a dog training collar to us both it felt natural .

At the end of the day we are not taught to do any thought processe's by wearing a human training collar we are taught by our parent's or guardian's by a natural teaching process. I learn't all my dog training skill's and methology via a dog training website i came across. At first glance i knew it was something special because it had traditional value`s but with a uniqueness to it. The young lady in question is a very highly respected dog trainer in north hollywood called dove cresswell who has a high ranking cv in the world of dog obedience training she use's traditional method's but with her own hallmark on it! Dog training collar.

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Dog Training Accessories, Making Dog Training A Lot Easier

Having the proper dog training accessories can make training your dog a whole lot easier. Of course your dog needs a house, a crate or a bed. Your pet needs his/her very own plate. Your dog needs attention, guidance, tender-loving care and utmost concern. And, aside from the usual needs of any canine, your lovable pup needs dog-training accessories.

For a dog training to be truly successful, the primary essential components are a good dog trainer equipped with an almost ever lasting patience and a dog that is determined, patience, and willing to learn. To be able to have a training that is reliable and productive and to be able to yield immediate and positive results, you ought to provide your dog with the right set of training accessories.

If you are on for a serious dog training, then you should first acquaint yourself with the right set of training accessories and equipment. If you enroll your dog in a training school, then the training accessories usually come with the training fees. However, if you plan to train your dog at home, then you can purchase training accessories at various pet shops or dog schools. There are also many training accessories that are sold on the net. Training materials are usually sold separately but there are some who offer items as a complete set. If you are blessed with carpentry skills and overflowing creative juices, then you can also opt to create your own set of training accessories.

In purchasing dog-training accessories, here are some points to remember that will help you make the right choices:

a. Know right tools for the right training. The right type of training accessories depends on the type of training you would like your dog to engage with. There is a specific set of equipment that is designed to hone skills needed for each specific field. Also, make up your mind about the dept of the training you would like to impose.

b. Function over fashion. Choose the training equipment that function well, not something that looks good on your dog but is difficult to use.

c. Comfort is essential. Be sure that the dog-training accessories are fit for your dog. The right choice of materials depends on the size of your dog. The correct material is one that does not compromise the comfort, safety, and the health of your dog.

d. Take the age and the characteristic as bases. The correct training materials to choose should correlate with your pet's age and behavior. Sometimes, breed is an important consideration as well.

e. Choose the items that also suites you well. Dog Training accessories should also be easy to use and manage for you. Avoid materials that may give you allergies or can cause back pains or arthritis. Go for a material that will allow you to train at ease.

Having the proper dog training accessories can make training your dog a lot easier. Spending the money on these training tools is a great investment in your dog.

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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Helpful Dog Training Tips

It is important to start training a dog between six and eight weeks of age. If your dog is older and has yet to be trained do not worry because it is "never too late to teach a dog a new trick."

Many dog owners are curious as to the best way to go about dog training. There are several dog training tips that dog owners should be aware of. A very important dog training tip is that the owner must use positive reinforcement.

When training a dog it is good to reward the dog with both praise and dog treats. The dog should be awarded a treat each time the dog performs a command correctly. This will reinforce positive behavior.

Another dog training tip is to give firm but friendly commands. Give commands such as come and heel in a friendly voice. For commands such as down, stay and sit you will want to use a lower firmer voice.

When your dog has an accident in the house it is important to not rub your dog’s nose into the accident. Also, when your dog has an accident do not hit his or her nose with a newspaper.

When training a dog it is important to not punish the dog. Punishing a dog during training will only cause the dog to be afraid of you. One of the most valuable tips to follow when training a dog is to use consistent training techniques.

Dogs are wonderful companions and usually very easy to train. When your dog follows a command give the dog lots of praise and a dog treat. This is the easiest and most effective way to train a dog. Remember to enjoy the time you spend with your dog as this time forms a bond that is unbreakable.

Written by Samantha Gibson. Find the latest information on Idaho dog training as well as Boise dog training.

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