Saturday, November 29, 2008

“Dog Whisperer” Exposes His Top 3 Dog Training Secrets That Will Teach Your Troublesome Pooch That You’re The Boss!

Want to know the secrets of a top dog trainer who has the power to turn your disobedient, reactive, misbehaving pet into the “best-friend” you’ve always dreamed of.

Here are our top 3 tips simple tips that will make a world of difference to your relationship with your pesky pouch.

Tip # 1 Put Your Pouch on a “Leadership” Programme

Put simply, your dog needs to know that you’re in charge. Dogs are pack animals, and like all pack animals they require that someone is in charge. While your dog would prefer that you took the lead role, if they decide that you’re not up to the task, then they’ll take on the job!

If your dog currently thinks that he’s the leader of your family’s pack, then you need to implement a leadership programme in which you re-assert yourself as the Top Dog! This doesn’t mean being unkind or unloving to your dog – it simply means understanding your dog’s psyche and behaving in a way that reassures your dog of your ability to take charge.

Some simple ways to demonstrate your dominance include: eating your meals first; ensuring that your dog waits at the door for you to walk through first; don’t walk around your dog if he’s sitting in your way (give him a gentle nudge and he’ll move); and determine when your dog gets your attention (ignore your dog when he demands your attention as he’s simply demonstrating that he’s in charge of you).

For more detail on how you can show your dog that you’re the boss, visit:

Tip # 2: Consistency Is the Key To Success

When it comes to training dogs, most people fail to consistently reinforce positive behaviour and punish bad behaviour. Without consistency, your dog will be confused and over time lose respect for your commands. If you fail to follow through on your expectations, the dog will determine when it suits him to respond.

If you’ve been consistent with your expectations, then in time your dog’s responses to your commands will become pre-programmed and eventually anticipated. This will ensure that your dog will behave in a predictable manner time and again. A dog who clearly understands the boundaries of his behaviour and the consequences of his mis-behaviour is a much happier dog who will be a delightful member of your family.

For more details on basic dog obedience training, visit:

Tip #3: It’s Much Easier To Train A Puppy Than To Teach An Old Dog New Tricks

As soon as your new puppy is welcomed home you should get started on your Leadership Programme, and consistently implement it until your puppy is automatically programmed to behave in precisely the manner that is worthy of a “best friend”!

The more quality time you dedicate to your puppy up front, the fewer on-going headaches you will encounter for the life of your dog.

Reinforcing positive behaviour is the simple most effective training tool available to dog owners, however from time to time you will also need to reprimand your dog for inappropriate behaviour (a clear, firm “BAH” or “NO” will do the trick – there’s no need to resort to shouting or hitting).

For more details on getting an early start on your canine’s leadership programme, go to:

If you follow these top 3 techniques used by leading dog trainers, both you and your dog will enjoy a much happier and enjoyable relationship.

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Dog Training: Ten Tips For Educating Your Dog Before The Arrival Of The New Baby

It is a proven thing that parents to be are too often overwhelm with the arrival of their new baby, that they forget about taking care of their dog. From the dog stand, there is a new human in the house that's making lots of new, unfamiliar noises. From the parents stand point, the dog comes last now because they have to take care of their baby, which is understandable. That's why it's extremely important that the future parents take time prior to the baby's arrival to train their dog on how to behave with and around the new baby.

Below are 10 valuable tips that every dog owner that is expecting a new child want to know. These suggestions will assist in the introduction of the dog to the brand-new baby to be smooth and trouble free, diminishing the related stress that this situation can carry.

1. Make certain that your dog is up to day with all his vaccinations and that he's in good health by taking him to the veterinarian before the arrival of the baby.

2. Ask the vet for any tips that he could give you regarding what would be the best method to introduce the dog to the baby.

3. If your dog hasn't been neutered or spayed, you could seriously consider doing so.

4. If your dog has behavioral issues, it would comprise a good idea to begin a dog training program or take the dog to a dog trainer to address those issues. It's better to attend of these behavioral issues earlier on, particularly prior to the baby's arrival.

5. If your dog is used to to climb on people it's in your most beneficial interest to stop this behavior immediately. You'll need to train your dog to stop jumping on people, this will preclude the dog to climb on the baby in the near future.

6. Clip your dogs nails.

7. If your dog has the bad habit of nipping on people you want to train your dog to break off from this behavior.

8. If you have friends or household members that have kids, ask them over and observe how they dog interacts with these children.

9. Train your dog to become acquainted the children toys by positioning a few baby toys on the floor, and train the dog to leave the toys alone. Make certain you don't use these same toys for the baby in the future.

10. Get an audio tape with baby's noise and play it for your dog therefore it will help your dog to become familiar with the sounds.

These tips might appear really simple, but if the parents to be, take them seriously and take the time to train their dog prior to the baby's arrival, they will be glad they did because having a well trained dog around the new baby will make a huge difference between been relaxed when the dog is around the baby or been stressed out.

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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Choosing a Dog Trainer

Dog training is part art form and part science. When you are choosing a dog trainer for your new best friend, you want to choose the dog trainer that is best suited to your dog and to you. There are good dog trainers, and there are not-so-good dog trainers. You want to be certain that you get a good one.

First and foremost, you DO NOT send your dog to a dog trainer to be trained. You could compare this to buying a car and hiring someone else to learn to drive it. Dog training is all about teaching the owner to train the dog. The dog needs to learn to obey his master - not a dog trainer.

You DO NOT need to send your dog away from home for him to be trained. Trainers who insist on boarding a dog during training are just interested in collecting boarding fees from you.

A dog trainer will not charge you for a consultation visit to evaluate your dog. Make several consultation appointments and see which trainer best relates to your dog and to you. Discuss techniques that will be used. The same techniques do not work for all breeds, so ask for references from other owners who have the same breed that you do - and then check the references. A dog trainer should not ever use hitting or scare tactics to train a dog - not EVER.

Individual training is better than group training. There really isn't any question about that. However, you can expect to pay a lot more money for individual training than you would for group training. Which you choose depends upon what role in life your dog will play. If he is going to be a show, he needs individual training. If he is going to be the family pet, group training will be sufficient.

Milos Pesic is a certified dog trainer and owner of popular and comprehensive Dog Training information website. For more articles and resources on dog training, dog training certification and programs, free online dog training classes, dog potty training and much more visit his site at:


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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Leash Training a Dog

Dog leash training will only work with reputation and practice.

If you are training a puppy it can be easier to leash train but if you are training an adult dog you can still successfully teach your dog to walk properly with leash.

Most importantly, make sure you dog is used to wearing a collar or dog harness as this is where the leash is attached to.

At first, you will want to use the leash around the house, where your dog is comfortable. Walk your dog around the house with the leash until it is comfortable and does not bite the leash.

When you are ready to take your dog out for a walk, if it tries to pull on the leash then firmly say No! And if it continues then stop walking and have your dog sit. Do this repetitively. When you dog does behave well make sure you give him treats and appraisals.

There is no need for any roughness in leash training or any kind of training. Remember that going out for walks should be fun for both you and your dog.

Even if your dog pulls on the leash several times, you must remain firm and let your dog know that it is not going anywhere if it does not walk by your side.

With time your dog will understand this, because tugging on the leash in uncomfortable for the dog as well. Also, make sure you practice daily so your dog gets use to walking with a leash.

Learn All About Dog Leash Training with Easy and Free Dog Training Tips.

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Dog Training - Dog Training Basics

Are you looking for some "Dog training for dummy" information? You will find it here!
It is very rare for people to have dog that is born obedient with good manners. Dogs are like kids
they need proper care and training to mold your dog into a obedient pet.

Always make dog training as fun as possible for you and your dog - that is the number one rule
for "Dog training for dummy". Always stick to one lesson at a time because dogs are not able to do multi-tasks.
Repeat dog training lessons until it completely solved your dog's behavior problems. When your dog successfully completes your command
reward him with food. Food is very important in dog training. We must give to your dog something they want when they do something we want.
But what do dogs want? The list is so huge, there are basic requirements such as water and food. Then there are thing like social contact, attention, toys, exercise and other things.

So why do food is so important in dog training?

1. All dogs need to eat because food is necessary for survival and dogs are willing to work hard for food.

2. Most dogs loves to eat!

3. Some food is particularly tasty to dogs.

4. Food is convenient for dog trainer because small food peaces will fit in your pocket or bag.

5. You need to feed your dog anyway, so we might get something in return.

6. Food gives positive associations with training.

You just need to find food which will be tasty to your dog.

Choosing the right food for dog training is so important. Read Here to know what to choose.

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Monday, November 24, 2008

Run, Jump, Fetch: A More Agile Dog

Do you want a faster and more agile pet? Are you one of those who would love showing off their dog’s skills to family and friends? If you do and you are, then, this dog agility training is for you… and your beloved pet dog! It can take patience (and there is a cost) - but it will be worth it.

What it Entails

Being agile is being quick of body and having immediate physical reaction. It encompasses motor skills. Now if you would like your dog to be agile, then you’d better get him to dog agility training.

The typical dog agility training exists for the purpose of improving dogs’ motor skills. Dogs will be trained by making them jump through tire hoops, run through tunnels, weave between poles, etc. Each set of obstacles becomes more difficult in the course of the agility training.

Dog Agility Training Process

There are special training schools for dogs which could help you train your pet professionally if you really want your dog to win. However, you could also train your dog by yourself if you want. If you’re the sporty-type of person, it could also be some sort of training for yourself since you should also run with your dog while training him. If you are just one of those pet-lovers, you might find this one great bonding moment for you and your pet.

The best thing would be to enroll your dog into one of the dog agility training programs and then reinforce his training at home.

Do you want to know more about dog care or anything about the crazy world of dogs? Visit us or share your opinions at the worlds best homepage or free content resource

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Secrets Of Professional Dog Trainers: Top 10 Tips To Successfully Training Your Dog Yourself

Dog obedience training is one of the best things you can do for your dog and yourself. Obedience training doesn't solve all behavior problems, but it is the foundation for solving just about any problem including soiling your house, destroying your belongings, barking excessively, digging holes in your yard, fighting other dogs and even biting you.

For most dog owners, dog obedience training is a daunting task. However, training your dog is about to get much easier, if you follow my advice below.
Here Are My Top 10 Tips for Training Your Dog

1. Dog training should be an enjoyable experience for you and your dog. If you are not in the right mood for training, don't even start.

2. Keep dog obedience training sessions short (5-10 minutes) to maintain your dog's motivation. Dogs will learn much more from regular short sessions than from longer, less frequent ones. Once the dog has learned several useful commands on the continuous reward schedule, the schedule should be changed to one of intermittent rewards.

3. Always end training on a positive note. Ask your dog to respond to a command you know he or she will obey. Then reward your dog for a job well done and issue a finish command such as “free” or “release.” Avoid common words such as “okay.” Following a training session, both owner and dog should be left with feelings of accomplishment.

4. Keep in mind that your dog's motivation to respond to a command decreases as the complexity of the task increases. If your dog doesn't respond appropriately to a command after several attempts, don't reward him or her. Resume training a few seconds later using a simpler command. Return to the more complex task later.

5. Remember, the odds of success hinge not only on the degree of sophistication of the task, but also your dog's motivation to respond. From a dog's perspective the question is, which is more rewarding: chasing the squirrel or returning to the owner? Understanding this aspect will increase your patience and chances for dog training success.

6. Training should not involve any negative or punishment-based components. There should be no yelling, no hitting, no chain jerking, no hanging, and absolutely no electric shock. Remember that the opposite of reward is not punishment; it is no reward. If you ignore unacceptable responses, your dog will not be rewarded for his or her failed response. Most dogs want to please their owners or, at the very least, to obtain highly valued resources (food, attention and toys).

7. Ensure that your dog's motivation for reward is highest during a training session. If food is the reward, train before a meal, not after. If praise, petting and other aspects of your attention are to be used as a reward, schedule the training session at a time when your dog hungers for your attention (for example, after you have returned home from work).

For complex tasks, such as the off leash down-stay, your dog will be more motivated to comply if he or she has received moderate exercise before the training session. Asking a dog that is bursting with energy to remain in a prolonged reclining position is asking for failure during the early stages of training.

8. Make sure the reward you offer in training is the most powerful one for your dog. Food-motivated dogs work well for food, but the treats used should be you dog’s favorite food. If praise is used as a reward, deliver it in high singsong tones, which are most pleasing for the dog. Also, enthusiasm in your voice will be much appreciated. If petting is to be used as a reward, it should be in a way that the dog enjoys, such as stroking the dog's hair on the side of his or her face in the same direction that it grows, or scratching him or her on the chest.

9. After a correct response, reward your dog within ½ second of the command. This will ensure your dog makes the connection between the behavior and the reward.

10. Use short commands such as sit, down, leave it, quiet, out, and off. Say the word once. Do not repeat the command. Dogs will remember a command for about two minutes before the notion is lost. Shorter words are better than longer words and words that end in a hard consonant (C, K, T, X) are better than those that end in a vowel because you can “spit” them out.

A Bonus Dog Training Tip:

The “Holy Grail” of training is to have the dog reliably obeying commands off lead, even when other things are going on around him or her. This level of training can be achieved, but only after a lot of hard work and investment of time. It's something to strive toward.

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Sunday, November 23, 2008

Dog Training: Hunting Dogs: Training Equipment That Is Essential

Producing a “finished” hunting dog, one that will perform the tasks of pointing out game or retrieving game, is not a simple matter. In some cases, it can take several hunting seasons and specialized training equipment to achieve the desired results.

It would be ludicrous to begin training a dog to perform hunting skills without first teaching it basic obedience. Your dog must be able to sit, stay, remain quite and come on demand before moving into the more complex areas of the hunt. The success of the hunt, as well as the safety of the dog and its handler, is directly correlated to the dog’s performance and self control. For example, an unruly dog that barks at incoming geese will not only spoil the hunt, but will not be invited back again. Further, a dog that bolts out of a blind too quickly can jeopardize a shot and even cause a shooting accident. Control is most essential.

When the hunter is ready to begin training his dog for the hunt, there is a variety of equipment that will prove valuable. Probably the first and most essential item is a piece of 3/8-inch polypropylene rope of about 30 feet in length. The rope allows the handler to maintain control of his dog during exercises and eliminates the chance of having to chase the dog and correct him for straying.

Most dogs have a natural fear of loud noises, especially gunfire. Therefore, the trainer will have to involve a training pistol or firearm in his training program. A handgun is preferable; a shotgun is too large and difficult to handle while holding the lead line and juggling other training devices. When training the retriever, training “bumpers” or dummies are utilized to teach the dog to fetch. These aides come in various colors and sizes. White bumpers are generally used for “marking” drills where the dog is being taught to retrieve by sight and colored bumpers are used for “running blinds” where the dog is sent blindly into an area to retrieve a downed bird that fell out of sight.

The retriever should be trained to respond to the sound of a whistle. The voice of the dog’s handler will not always be loud enough or distinct enough to alert the dog to give up the search and return to the handler’s side. Some of the more elaborate whistles come with built-in megaphones that allow the sound to be heard more easily and direct the blaring sound away from the hunter(s). They are usually well worth the extra cost.

Some trainers will use a friend or “bird boys” who position themselves some distance from the trainer and toss the bumpers high into the air to simulate a falling bird. For those who train without assistance, bird launchers are a big help. These launchers come in single or multiple bird capacity; however, they are usually bulky and can be expensive.

Electric dog training collars are effective but controversial. These collars have a small electronic device attached that administers a remote controlled mild electric shock to the dog. The control is hand held by the trainer. These pieces of equipment allow an immediate correction when the dog fails to respond to the more conventional command. The level of shock involved has been compared to the static shock one receives from a carpet or from touching a car door handle in cold weather. Actually, the electric collar could be considered a humane alternative to the aggressive tactics or brute force used by some trainers.

One of the best ways to embark on training your hunting dog is learn from the experts. Training tips and guidelines are now available on tapes that show the student step by step training procedures. These instructional tapes should be on every novice trainer’s list of essential training equipment.

When you’re training your dog in the wilds you should be prepared to care for him if he is injured. Therefore, the final thing on our list of essentials is a First Aid Kit. Many of the items you’ll need for your dog are also appropriate for use on humans, so the kit can be mutually beneficial to both you and your dog. Fill the kit with such items as: sterile bandages, topical solutions, tape, scissors, tweezers, antibiotic ointments such as Neosporin, ibuprofen (safe for both humans and canines) and possibly a veterinarian prescribed anti-inflammatory such as Deramaxx or Rimadly. A well stocked First Aid Kit has prevented many a pleasant hunting trip from becoming a nightmare.

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Dog Training - Bad Dogma, How Harsh Training Methods Can Cause Aggression

The dictionary defines the word dogma as: The established belief or doctrine held by a religion, ideology or any kind of organization, thought to be authoritative and not to be disputed, doubted or diverged from.

There is an old saying among dog trainers that goes: “The only thing two dog trainers can agree on is what the third one is doing wrong.”

There are basically two schools of dog trainers. On one side you have the old school dog trainers that believe training is done by using a choke chain or prong collar to train, that you should never use food to train the dog.

On the other hand you have the food reward trainers that believe you should never use any kind of force or harsh methods to train.

Both sides will strongly argue for their way of training. I have been on both sides of the issue. I got my start training dogs with an old time trainer that had been training dogs since the 1950’s. If you used a treat in front of this guy, you had to be prepared for a verbal eruption that would make a sailor blush.

I have also been with trainers that think anything short of filet mignon not being used for treats is cruel. All kidding aside it can get confusing for someone trying to train their dog. Who do you listen to? Should you just use treats to train? Do you ever give your dog a correction?

The truth of the matter is that positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement can be extremely effective. There is no denying that there are thousands of dogs that are safely confined to their yards with the help of underground electronic fences.

There is also no denying that dogs learn much better when you use a reward based system of training. The important point is this: You want to make sure that you spend more time rewarding your dog’s behavior than punishing or getting physical with your dog.

The fact is that all good relationships are based on positive interaction. I once watched a group obedience class where all the dogs were on choke chains. Food was not allowed. In the course of one hour, I watched one guy give his dog over 150 corrections with the leash. They weren’t all hard corrections but he did yank on the leash that many times.

Over time, that dog will become tolerant to the choke chain and the owner will have to yank harder and harder and will probably damage his dog’s neck and trachea which will lead to one very grouchy dog. There’s no denying the fact that a dog being trained that way can easily develop an aggression problem, and here’s the rub. The dog is always blamed, never the training method Doesn’t it make sense to use a reward based training system?

Unfortunaly this way of training has become the established belief or doctrine held by many dog trainers, and not to be disputed, doubted or diverged from.

Too bad for the dogs.

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Saturday, November 22, 2008

Leash Training Your Pit Bull Terrier: Dog Training Advice

As a loving and caring Pit Bull owner, you will undoubtedly spend a lot of your time in training your dog. You will probably do some crate training, obedience training, maybe even agility training. But, one of the most enjoyable things you can do for your Pit Bull is leash training. He may not think very highly of it at first, but once he has the hang of it, your outside time with him will be much more enjoyable for you both. Leash training is also an important step in training your Pit Bull for shows, if that is your ultimate goal.

Most experts recommend that you begin leash training your Pit Bull when he is around six or seven weeks old. Usually at this age, he will have a better attention span, and will be up for walks with you.

When you first start walking with your Pit Bull puppy, you may want to allow the puppy some freedom at first, so that he can explore his area and play. The training at this time will be teaching your Pit Bull puppy to stay with you during your walk, and come when you call him. By letting the puppy explore, and then calling his name, he will learn that you want him to come back to you. It is important to praise and reward your Pit Bull puppy when he does come when you call him. Some trainers will use treats to get the puppy to follow them at first. Due to his short attention span, you shouldn’t expect this to work for long. You should give the puppy a treat, and let him go play, then try again a little later. By using treats and rewards, and being patient, your Pit Bull puppy will catch on fairly quickly.

When your Pit Bull puppy has mastered the walk without a leash, and coming to you when you call him, you can probably begin training him on a lead. Most veterinarians will recommend starting with a nylon collar before trying a choker collar. Most of the time, the choker collar isn’t needed, unless you have a very strong willed Pit Bull.

Usually the best place to start leash training is your own backyard. The Pit Bull puppy is probably already very familiar with this area now, so he will be less focused on exploring, and more on training. You also don’t have to worry about other animals on the scene, as you would at a park or local walking track.

Again, when you have the collar on and are ready to begin, bend down and offer a treat to get your Pit Bull puppy to come to you. After successfully doing this a few times, start to walk a little with the puppy on the leash. If your Pit Bull puppy follows you, praise him and give him a treat. In the event he doesn’t follow, which often is the case the first time around, start all over again. Once he starts to follow you without resistance, try walking a little bit further each time. Your Pit Bull puppy will soon learn to be lead, without him even noticing he is doing something he may not want to do.

Continue working with your Pit Bull often, as any training should be ongoing. The more training and practice your Pit Bull gets, the more accustomed to the leash he will become.

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Friday, November 21, 2008

What You Should Know About Crate Training - One Of The Most Effective Ways Of House Training Any Puppy Or Dog

Crate training is one of the most effective ways of house training any puppy or dog. Crate training is very efficient, and very effective, since it uses the natural instinct of the dog to achieve the desired result of a clean house and a well trained dog.

The concept behind crate training is that a dog naturally strives to avoid soiling the area where it eats and sleeps. By placing the dog in the crate, this instinct is enhanced. The dog will come to see the crate as its den, and it will try to avoid soiling its den.

The key to successful crate training for a puppy or an older dog, as with other forms of dog training, is to establish a good routine. This routine will enhance the ability of the dog to do its business in the right place, and avoid eliminating in the wrong place. It is important to shower the dog with praise each and every time it eliminates in the established toilet area, and not to express frustration or anger when the dog makes a mistake.

It is important to confine the dog or puppy to a small part of the house, generally one puppy proofed room, when you are not at home. The room should contain a soft bed, fresh water and some favorite toys to prevent the dog from becoming bored and frustrated.

Crate training is different from confining the dog to one room, however. With crate training, the puppy or dog is confined to a crate when unsupervised. The idea is that the dog will think of this crate as its home, and not want to soil is home.

When crate training, it is important to remove the dog from the crate as soon as possible after returning home, and to take the dog promptly to the previously established toilet area. When the dog does its business in this toilet area, be sure to provide lots of praise and treats. It is important that the dog learn to associate proper toilet procedures with good things like treats and toys.

It is important to never leave the dog in its crate for long periods of time, as this will confuse the dog and force it to soil its sleeping area. The crate is simply a tool, and it should not be abused by leaving the dog in it for extended periods of time. If the dog is left in the crate for too long, it could set back the training program by weeks if not months.

The dog should only be confined to the crate when you are at home. Except for nighttime, the dog should be given the opportunity to relieve itself every 45 minutes or so. Each time the dog is taken out, it should be put on a leash and immediately taken outside. Once outside the house, the dog should be given three to five minutes to do its business. If the dog does not eliminate in this time period, it should be immediately returned to the create.

If the dog does its business during the set time period, it should be rewarded with praise, food, play, affection and either an extended walk or a period of play inside or outside the home.

During the crate training period, it is important to keep a daily diary of when the dog does its business each day. If the dog is on a regular feeding schedule, the toilet schedule should be consistent as well. Having a good idea of when the dog needs to eliminate each day will be a big help during the house training process. After the dog has used his established toilet area, you will be able to give the dog free run of the house to play and enjoy himself.

Dealing with accidents during crate training

It is very important to not punish the puppy or dog when it makes a mistake or has an accident during the crate training process. If there has been an accident, simply clean it up. Accidents during house training mean that you have provided the dog with unsupervised access to the house too quickly.

The dog should not be allowed unsupervised access to the home until you can trust her bowel and bladder habits. If mistakes do occur, it is best to go back to crate training. Taking a couple of steps back will help move the house training process along, while moving too quickly could set things back.

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Thursday, November 20, 2008

Agility Dog Training

Many people are interested in getting into agility dog training. This can be for many reasons. Some people need agility dog training so they can compete in the dog agility trials. Some people want to use agility dog training to better bond with their dogs. Other people just think agility dog training will get their hyper dogs nice and sleepy for the rest of the day!

Whatever your reasons are, agility dog training is quite a fun and tiring endeavor. But before you start your dog in agility dog training, there are some things you should know about what is involved.

Before you start agility dog training, you must understand a few simple things. Agility dog training is not for young puppies. In fact, it is best to start this type of dog training with a juvenile or adult dog.

This is because agility dog training requires that your dog know basic commands that are learned through most basic and intermediate dog training courses. Puppies are often too young to understand how to "sit" or "stay".

Also, agility dog training requires an active dog and owner. You will not be sitting still during this type of dog training. So if you or your dog is not very active, then agility dog training is not for you.

Agility dog training involves teaching your dog to run an agility course. This agility course can have jumps, hoops, teeter totters, bridges, things to go over and under, etc. During the agility dog training, your dog will learn to go through the course as quickly as possible, while performing the course properly.

The dog must finish the course in order, not miss any jumps, etc. There is even a portion of the course where the dog must lie down and stay. This is why it is good to have some basic dog training before starting agility dog training. If your dog hasn't had any basic dog training, you will have a hard time getting your dog to follow you and obey you through the agility course.

These are all of the important things you should know before you consider signing up for agility dog training. Be sure you can fit the course into your schedule, as most courses are at least 8 weeks long. The prices of the courses can vary, so check around.

If you think you can handle agility dog training, then you should sign you and your dog up. It is sure to be fun and a lot of great exercise. When you finish your agility dog training, both you and your dog are sure to want to go straight home and pass out on the bed!

Amy Howells is owner of the Dog Owner Blog, where she gives free information on all aspects of dog behavior training.

She has recently started giving away her dog training book (valued $27) for free! So be sure to visit her site right now for free dog training lessons.

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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Three Mistakes In Dog Training

There is a lot of tackle when a person wants to train a dog, and multiples modes to do this. Virtual, any training dog plan is developing on the positive outcome system - the reward. But, there is a few errors to avoid: inconsistency, impatience and treating your dog like an object.


When training a dog you have to follow in the same time both the creativity (you don't want to have a bored dog) and consistency. The dogs reply positive to reward (food, caress, praise). In fact, their ability to understand the cause and effect is the basis of their training. Soon they start to associate good deeds and submission with substantial reward.


Impatience may arise a big dose of frustration. Usually focus on the immediately outcomes and the supposition of certain deed will be followed by immediate outcome, lead to failure. From this cause, training a dog is a long process and demands a lot patience from trainer. Another trainer's mistake is to break off the positive rewards. Give him at home the same rewards as on the training field.

The dog? A training object?

Training a dog suppose involving two participants: the dog and the owner's dog. Usually the dog trainers is focusing on techniques, equipment and strategies without paying enough attention to theirs training partners: the dogs. When a dog trainer is considering the dog just a simple object to train, they forget what make an dog unique: relation dog/master.

That's way, the training become a hard work, and not an enjoyable one, becoming a stressing task for both dog and trainer. When is being avoided this three mistakes in training dogs, a training program is becoming efficient and create outcomes fast. Plus the training is becoming a really enjoyable activity for all involved.

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Dog Training on a Leash

Dog training is something all dog owners should put their dog through. But did you know there are often some parts of dog training that people often forget about or don't utilize?

This type of dog training is when your dog is wearing a leash. Many people don't even realize that there are so many things a dog can learn while on a leash. If you are one of those people who would like to learn about dog training on a leash, please read on.

The first part of dog training while on a leash is to teach your dog to walk on a leash.

Many dogs get scared or confused when they first start wearing a leash.

Always remember to be positive and use lots of praise when introducing your dog to a leash. Make the dog training fun. Soon your dog will be accustomed to the leash and you can move on to other dog training.

If you are one of those poor people who has trouble getting your dog to pay attention while learning the basics of dog training (sit, stay, hell, come, etc.) you will soon find that teaching them to do these things while on a leash is often helpful.

Basic dog training can often be easier if the dog is on a leash. This is because the dog can't really run off or lose focus because you have him on a leash.

The next part of dog training you can do on a leash is to teach your dog not to jump or pull. First, we will start with the dog training that teaches your dog not to jump. If your dog gets excited and tries to jump on a person or other things, tell it "no" in a firm voice.

Then, utilize your other dog training knowledge and make the dog sit until it calms down. Repeat as many times as necessary so that the dog training will set in.

Now for dog training that teaches your dog not to pull. If your dog pulls you while you are walking, first get a shorter leash.

This keeps the dog closer to you. If the dog starts to pull, tell it "no" in a firm voice and make it sit if it continues. This dog training will work with repetition and patience.

When dog training on a leash, remember to always use praise and positive reinforcement. Dogs respond much better to this type of dog training. If you have trouble with this type of dog training, then take your dog to as dog training course.

Many of theses courses are available at good rates. With the right dog training, your dog will learn how to properly behave while on a leash and in turn things will be much easier for you!

Amy Howells is owner of the Dog Owner Blog, where she gives free information on all aspects of dog behavior training. She has recently started giving away her dog training book (valued $27) for free! Be sure to visit her site right now for free dog training lessons online.

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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Types of Dog Training Equipment

Dog training can be a difficult task. It takes time for dog to learn so; you need to be patient in teaching your dog the commands. You need also to use some dog training equipment that will aid you in the training. The training equipments will help you simplify the process of training and learning. Dog training equipment covers a wide range of device for the corresponding training or behavior modification that you want to teach to your dog.

The basic type of basic training equipments are dog leash, dog clicker and dog collar. Dog leash is one of the basic training equipment that is used for training dog obedience. It is a piece of lead line may be made of nylon or leather. Leashes are available in different size, styles and materials. Another piece of basic training equipment is the dog collar. It is may be made of nylon or leather. Collars might be used for identification, control and other purposes. This also comes in variety of size, collar, style and materials used. Training collars are typically used for training only and not left on the dog's neck all the time, as some collars can be harmful or dangerous if left on a dog unsupervised.

There is also the dog clicker which is a very simple, yet effective dog training tool. It is a technology derived from the study of operant conditioning in behavior analysis. These are used during instruction and dog training and consist of a plastic box with a metal tongue inside. One of the challenges in training an animal is communicating exactly when the animal has done the behavior that the trainer is attempting to reinforce. This box creates a series of clicks when the tongue is pressed, which will get your dogs' attention. The dog clicker is used to inform the dog that it is performing well, or to call your dog in off leash training exercises.

Specialized of specific training such as dog agility, there is also device that will help a dog handler or trainer. For dog agility training, some of the basic equipments comprise a playground of obstacles/stations, including weaves poles, jumps and much more. To get the work done, get the right tools that will help you in the training.

Find more information on Agility Equipment Dog Training Aids and Dog Training Equipment

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The Shih Tzu and Training - 5 Top Tips

A Shih Tzu is an energetic little inside dog. To be an integral part of your family, your dog deserves some basic training so your pet knows what you expect. Consider these 5 tips for training a Shih Tzu.

1. Define your dog training goals.

Know what you expect from your Shih Tzu and training. Please do not start training a puppy until the puppy is mature enough to understand the training. Be realistic. Different dogs have different capabilities and you should not expect results faster than your dog is capable of performing. Have a plan in mind as to how you will work toward your goals.

2. Your dog deserves consistency from you.

Be gentle with all training, but be consistent. Know what you expect from your dog and patiently work toward those goals. Only expect what is reasonable for your dog to perform. Would you expect early in training that your dog would come when called if your dog is running full speed away from you? No! Right? So don't ask something that isn't going to happen.

3. Patience.

Nobody likes getting fussed at and neither does your dog. Emphasize reward for desired behavior. Find a way to link negative consequences with undesired behavior. Always train with kindness and patience. Firm insistence can be kind and patient too!

4. Training for the trainer?

Do you know what to expect from your dog and what is realistic? Do you know how to communicate what you want to your dog? If not, the best place to start training your dog is with some training for yourself. You can get personal training or use one of many good courses available in books or on video.

Any dog will benefit from basic training. With training your dog can live a safer and happier life as an important part of your family.

Would you like more tips on Shih Tzu and training?
Al Bullington invites you to visit and get more free resources.

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Monday, November 17, 2008

Canine Good Citizen Dog Training

Do you have a dog that excels at all forms of dog training? Are you interested in taking your dog's dog training to the next step? Do you want something to show for all of your dog's abilities? Are you interested in showing your dog or perhaps getting your dog into agility? If you answered yes to any of these then you may be interested in getting your dog certified for Canine Good Citizen.

Canine Good Citizen is a special certificate your dog will receive once it passes the Canine Good Citizen dog training and test. This certificate certifies that your dog is well behaved in the community and home environments. Many dog training schools offer Canine Good Citizen dog training. But before you go and sign up, you should first learn a bit about the dog training.

This type of dog training is only for dogs that have completed several other dog training courses. The dog has to be well behaved as well. There are 10 things taught in this dog training course that your dog must pass in order to receive the certificate. These will be gone over in detail.

The first 5 parts of the dog training involve how the dog acts with you. This dog training involves teaching the dog to walk on a loose lead without problems and not to react to other dogs it sees while out and about. The next part of this dog training is to teach the dog to come when called with out being distracted.

It then moves on to dog training that involves teaching the dog to stay where you tell it to, even when you leave the area. The dog training then emphasizes teaching the dog to only pay attention to you and not any other distractions.

The next 5 parts of the dog training involve other people. First the dog training teaches the dog to allow strangers near it without becoming alarmed, then to sit nice and allow strangers to pet it.

The next part of the dog training is for the dog to allow strangers to handle it while still behaving nicely (such as for a vet or groomer). Then you take this dog training further by teaching your dog to be left with a stranger without becoming alarmed. Lastly, your dog is then taught to behave nicely in a crowd.

These are all of the things your Canine Good Citizen dog training will entail. If you think your dog can do well with this, you should consider getting it certified. This type of dog training will ensure that your dog can behave in any environment it may be placed in. Canine Good Citizen dog training is a great way to give you peace of mind.

Amy Howells is owner of the Dog Owner Blog, where she gives free information on all aspects of dog behavior training.For more advice on dog training, as well as information on dog crate training, be sure to visit her blog right now.

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Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Right Dog Collar for Training

Using the right dog collar for training can make all the difference in an easy success or daunting task. A dog collar can be a great investment if you have a problem dog. This is a tremendous help with stubborn animals, or dogs that just have bad habits. If you have grown tired of relying on the rolled up newspaper option to help break your dog of his bad habits, the dog collar for training may be for you.

There are two main types of dog training collars available; the most common dog-training collar is the one that will give a small shock to your dog when he barks. This is extremely helpful for those dogs that have developed a barking problem. The second type of training collar is one that will again; provide a small shock to your dog if he goes outside the boundaries of your yard.

These types of dog collars are one of the most effective and humane ways to train your dog. Many people do not like to use a rolled up newspaper on their dog for breaking habits or reinforcing good habits, the dog collar relieves you of having to do this.

The flat dog collar is recommended for leash training a puppy. This type of collar is lightweight and easy for your pup to get used to wearing. It is always better to start your puppy on the gentle track to training. Don’t go full speed ahead with the more harsh training methods.

The metal training dog collar is commonly referred to as a choke chain. A better description would be a metal slip collar. If this dog collar is used properly it should never choke your dog. It should release quickly when used properly. When you learn how to use this dog collar with good timing and skill - it can be an efficient training device.

No matter which dog collar you choose for training your pet, do your homework and learn the best method of training your dog with a dog collar.

James Hunt has spent 15 years as a professional writer and researcher covering stories that cover a whole spectrum of interest. Read more at

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Saturday, November 15, 2008

Home Training for Dogs - Dog Obedience Training to Solve Dogs Behavior Problems

Dog’s behavior could put you in great humiliation especially if your dog starts to annoy other people and other dogs. How your dog behaves is a reflection of your relationship with your dog. A home training for dogs can help you solve the behavior problems of your dog.

Although dogs are wild by nature and aggressiveness is their normal behavior, you still need to conduct a home training for dogs to teach dogs how to handle their natural behavior and behave properly in domestic environment. Dogs are intelligent creatures and they are capable of learning new behavior and habits.

Most behavior problems of dogs can be solved by proper home training for dogs. Dog obedience training is a commitment for the owner and the dog itself. You have to learn how to engage your dog to participate in a proper home training for dogs and you need a lot of patience during the training period.

To be successful in a home training for dogs, you have to equip yourself with the right training tools and techniques. Conducting a home training for dogs using ineffective and hard to follow techniques will only waste your time and may put your relationship with your dog at great risk. Your dog’s behavior can be transformed using existing effective techniques that will give you immediate results.

As a dog owner it is your responsibility to teach your dog to live in harmony with the people around him. In the end you will be rewarded with a good canine companion who listens to you wherever you go. You will be regarded as someone who takes great care of your dog.

SitStayFetch is the easiest system for learning how to train your dog and change its behavior. Put an end to the stress and annoyance of your dog behavior problems and slash your dog obedience training time in half by using techniques that give you immediate results. Get your free 6 day course visit Dogs' Corner

To know more about pets visit All About Pets

Gerry Restrivera writes informative articles on various subjects Home Training for Dogs: Dog Obedience Training to Solve Dogs Behavior Problems. You are allowed to publish this article in its entirety provided that author’s name, bio and website links must remain intact and included with every reproduction.

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Monday, November 10, 2008

Electric Dog Training Collars

Electric dog training collars are used as a quick fix when owners either don’t know how to correctly resolve training problems, neglect to make the time for proper training sessions, or have failed to become informed about the actualities of these particular products. They are basically put around your dog’s neck and are extra help that dog owners have been looking for.


Dog training should cease immediately if there are any signs of trauma to your dog. The leashes can be found in a variety of different places, not just pet supply stores and the internet, so take your time and choose the best one for your dog. Training collars allow pet owners to teach their pets which behaviors are acceptable and which are not. They also provide a service to the pet owner as well. Training will change the dog's behavior, from a dog that will not obey you to a dog that will listen to your commands, from a dog that is bothering the neighbors into a quiet one, from a dog that is always running from you into a dog that will stay still at your command. It will also show the animal that they will be punished for doing something bad.


Training your dog requires a lot of time, skill, and patience. It is also part art and part science, and any good artist or scientist needs good tools. It is good to know that any young dog can be trained to understand commands and to do simple tricks. Dog training can also require years of practice, which is why there are so many dog training professionals and schools.

Hello there is a lot of good stuff out there and bad stuff on the internet as there always is in everything in life. So I kind of made my mission to find the things that do work from friend’s family and myself For more info visit

If you would like more information on dog training visit

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Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Gun Dogs - Hunting Dog Training

If you're looking for the perfect hunting dog training, then consider a service that provides puppy training to gun dog training. A program should start with regular obedience training for your puppy. A hunting dog will not do well without regular obedience. A good trainer for hunting dogs will bring out a dog's natural instincts. The puppy will learn to love new hunting experiences by chasing birds and following whistled commands. A puppy may be introduced to the sound of gunshots. Starting out with a puppy as a potential hunting dog is your best bet. Many hunting dog training facilities offer hunting puppies for sale and this may be your best bet if you're looking for a good hunting dog.

Formal hunting dog training is the next step. This can include taking the dog out to the field to learn commands while off the leash. Whistle and verbal commands will be learned and the natural instinct of the dog will be developed further. Actual hunting of birds may take place during this time. Once this course is completed, a hunting dog course will follow. This course will be enough for you to leave with an excellent trained hunting dog but if you want the full picture, then add on a course in retrieving too. A final course may be needed for that professional hunting dog.

Hunting dog training and courses can help train your dog to be the hunter you want. Where you're looking for a gun dog, shooting dog or field dog, you can find what you need in a hunting dog training center. Costs will vary and you may decide that your best bet is to invest in only one or two courses of the program and finish training the dog yourself.

For More Information on Dog Training Please Visit Dog Training Network

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No-No Dog Training Techniques

Sometimes dog owners think that once they have signed their dogs up for a basic dog obedience class, their work is done. "There," they think, "now my dog will learn how to behave himself!"

Whoa! Not so fast! Just signing a dog up for an obedience class isn't going to turn an unruly dog into a well-behaved one. There are basically three mistakes that owners make during the process of teaching their dogs obedience.

The first mistake that owners make is that they are INCONSISTENT. Dog training does not happen during the hour or so at the weekly or biweekly dog training class. No! Dog training happens constantly. Dog training never stops. You must constantly work with your dog at home to help him to learn to obey your commands. The dog trainer from whom you are taking the dog training course isn't training the dog. He or she is actually training YOU to train your dog.

The second mistake that owners make is that they are IMPATIENT. Dog training does NOT happen over night. You aren't going to take your untrained dog to an obedience class on Monday night and magically have a well-trained and obedient dog on Tuesday morning.

The third mistake that owners make is that they are WORKING when they are training their dog. Dogs don't understand the concept of work. Dogs see their training sessions as PLAY, and they see their training sessions as quality time that they are getting to spend with you.

So here is the bottom line. If you want to have a well-trained, obedient, and loving dog, sign him up for an obedience class and then keep your own head screwed on straight. The dog will learn but only if you are CONSISTENT, PATIENT, and HAVING FUN!

Milos Pesic is a certified dog trainer and owner of popular and comprehensive Dog Training information website. For more articles and resources on dog training, dog training certification and programs, free online dog training classes, dog potty training and much more visit his site at:


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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Basic Dog Training

If you have a new dog or puppy, you may be interested in getting some basic dog training. Dog training can be taught by an obedience instructor, or you can do the dog training yourself.

Dog training with an obedience instructor can vary in price and it usually takes place in a class. If you do the dog training yourself, it is usually free and you can do it from your own
home. If you do choose to do the dog training yourself, it is best to get educated on dog training.

There are 3 basic things your dog should learn through basic dog training. These are: sit, stay, and come. The first part of dog training is to teach your dog to sit. To start this
dog training, you will first need some dog treats.

Do this dog training in a quiet environment so your dog doesn't get distracted. Tell your dog to sit repeatedly as you hold the dog treat just over their head. This way the dog has to look up and may sit on there own to reach the treat.

If not, gently push there rear down. When they sit, praise them and reward them with a treat. This kind of dog training works because the dog constantly hears "sit" and will learn to associate the command with sitting and receiving praise.

The next part of dog training is to teach your dog to stay. This is often a difficult part of dog training. This kind of dog training is also incorporated with teaching your dog the
command "come." Sit your dog in an area with no directions.

Tell your dog to stay repeatedly as you back away. Start out by keeping eye contact with the dog. If the dog gets up, tell it "no" and start again. Remember this dog training takes
a while. You may need someone to sit with the dog to help reinforce the dog to stay the first few times.

Once you have made progress with this dog training, you then start by walking away with your back turned. Dogs will often get up to follow you at this point. Tell your dog "no" and
start the dog training again by repeatedly telling your dog to stay as you walk away.

Once your dog has mastered this part, you can teach it to come. After your dog has stayed, tell it to "come." Have a happy voice and pat your knee as you say "come." Your dog should respond to this dog training right away and you may then reward it.

Always use praise instead of punishment with dog training. Dogs respond best to positive dog training, rather than negative. With all of this in mind, you should be able to teach your dog the 3 basis commands.

Follow all of this advice and you should soon have a more obedient dog that is worth everyone's praise!

Amy Howells is owner of the Dog Owner Blog, where she gives free information on all aspects of dog behavior training.For more information on dog training, including advice on dog training equipment, be sure to visit her blog right now.

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Monday, November 3, 2008

Dog Training Commands - How to Successfully Train Your Dog to Do Certain Commands

Although dogs are regarded as man’s best friend, the truth still exists that dog needs training to adapt to humans. Dog training commands is necessary for every dog owners to train their dogs to follow simple to complex commands.

Here are some tips to effectively render dog training commands:

  • Get your dog’s attention; you cannot render dog training commands effectively if you cannot catch your dogs’ attention. No matter how hard you tried if you cannot engage your dog’s attention it would be useless. A slight rubbing on its fur or nape will do the trick.
  • Get acquainted and know your dog. Dogs like humans have different learning curves. Observe your dog for a few days before starting dog training commands. This will give you hints on the habits that your dog has and how to take advantage of those habits to help you train your dog with ease.
  • Consistency. Learn how to be consistent with the dog training commands you are about to render. Tone of voice, body movements must be considered when giving dog training commands.
  • Acknowledge good behaviors. Use reinforcements to acknowledge good behavior. Affirmations and simple praises are enough encouragement for your dog to follow your instructions and to let your dog know that he is doing a good job.
  • Test your dog. After your dog performed a certain task consistently, use distractions to test if your dog will still follow your instructions.

Dog training commands is one way for you and your dog to communicate effectively. If you succeeded on training your dog, you will indeed win yourself a canine best friend that you and your family can enjoy.

In the event that you have not succeeded in providing an effective dog training commands due to dog behavior problems, do not lose hope because there are experts who can help you to effectively train your dog.

Did you know that you can successfully render dog training commands in the shortest possible time with positive results even if your dog has behavior problems? Put an end to the stress and annoyance of your dog behavior problems and slash your dog obedience training in half by using techniques that give you immediate results visit Sit Stay Fetch: Dog Obedience Training at All About Pets

or visit

Gerry Restrivera writes informative articles on various subjects including Dog Training Commands: How to Successfully Train Your Dog to Do Certain Commands. You are allowed to publish this article in its entirety provided that author’s name, bio and website links must remain intact and included with every reproduction.

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Sunday, November 2, 2008

Dog Training Tips - Your Inner Dog Is A Good Dog

Dog Training Tips - Your Inner Dog Is a Good Dog

Dog training tips flow freely when your dogs misbehave. But how much of that unsolicited dog training advice is good advice?

Meanwhile your dog may actually be driving you bonkers with barking excessively, jumping up, biting, whining, not listening. Relax. You usually CAN do something about it. Often not through using the free dog training tips so lavishly bestowed on you in the park though!

Of course prevention is half the cure and careful selection of your dog before you get him is essential. Does the type of dog fit your circumstances? After all, different breeds are bred for certain tasks, be it hunting, herding, guarding, killing or chasing.

But you've not bought a pup, with the first main task often dog house training? You've bought an older dog WITH behavioral issues? Still relax. Help may be at hand.

Just as with raising children it pays you to know a bit about how to do this, and why. You can get someone in for some basic dog training but that can set you back anything between $300 and $2,000.

Really, there is no free dog training like your own. Quality time! If you and your dog want to enjoy life together then why not work on this as a team right from the word go.

Oops! Did I say "go"”. "Sit"... and read on.

Dog training is not a top-down affair. Your dog assesses you for what's "good" or "bad". If you're not sure or inconsistent then you'll both pay for that. So, robust dog training tips address owner training too.

So, just for a taste, here are some basic dog training tips.

* Train your dog in different settings for the same commands. If she obeys a certain command in the home context she may not in the park.

* Don't allow pups to jump up, chase and bite trouser cuffs because it's so much fun. Later they won't know why its bad to chew on your foot!

* Use exactly the same short command words for the desired behavior every time! Then "sit" will means "sit", not "stop" or "stay"! You may believe your dog is an Einstein but he too believed in elegant simplicity.

* Dog jumping up? Knocking over grandma? Put your open hand in front of its nose every time or use your knee if a larger dog (I take no responsibility in case of the possible loss of your knee). Then look it in the eye, say "sit" and sit it down physically if it does not obey.

* And, a tired dog is a good dog. Exercise!

Your simple and consistent approach will pay off.

All this is commonsense but you need a good set of guidelines. You can join dog training classes, getting a dog trainer to come to you, or read dog training books. Because it takes more than a few dog training tips to practically love your dog through good training.

Always check out trainers with good personal references. And there are some good books out there to do it yourself.

Yes, some dogs drive you bonkers but never forget that the reverse applies too. All dog training tips should include the advice that dog training is not just for the dog! Hmmm...

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Positive Dog Training With Dog Training Treats

If you want a well behaved dog that is used to obey commands and listens to you in all kind of situations you need to train your dog and if it is possible you should start training when he or she is still a puppy. A well trained dog is of immense importance to both you as the dog. If your puppy does not learn to do his business outside of the house or to listen to you in dangerous situations like a busy road you and your dog will not have a happy long life together. Dog training is there for a very important part in the life of your pup.

There are many ways to train with your puppy but this article will only be about dog training treats and the way you can use these to reinforce the positive behavior in your dog.

Breed, size and gender do not matter

You can use dog training treats regardless of gender, size, purebred or mixed breeds and even age as long as the dog likes treats. And most dogs do like pet cookies or even a little piece of chicken or vegetable, although not all dogs. For the very few dogs that do not like treats you can use their favorite toy for the same effect. Dog training treats should be used when your puppy does something right, it is a way to learn the pup that good behavior is rewarded and bad behavior is ignored and does not result in anything nice or fun. A good question most owners have before they start with this method is if in every type of training, treats can be used?

Dogs that like treats will see them as a very positive influence to listen to you and obey your commands. Most dogs will learn very quickly that if they listen they will be rewarded with something tasty. It will also work in training the dog in being safe and friendly with humans and other animals and even with objects like cars. By using a reward you let your pet focus on you and when he is busy with what you are doing he can not do other things like getting in dangerous situations.

You can also use dog training treats to prevent negative behavior for example when it urinates or sprays in your house or other unwanted places or moments. You can break these unwanted habits, by teaching your dog to sit when you see he is about to do something wrong and when he actually sits, you can reward him with some dog training treats, this way you have distracted a possible negative situation and turned it into a positive one.

The down side of dog training treats

Is there a down site to this manner of training? Well there can be, you need to make sure that the treats you give your dog are healthy and that the dog does not get to much nutrition during the day. Otherwise you will have a well behaved but very fat dog in your house. You can use part of the dogs food as treat, or give your pet less dog food and some healthy treats. The treats do not have to be big, but they need to be something that the dog will like to work for. You can try some healthy treats to see which one your dog likes best and sometimes it works very well to change the treats every ones in a wile, this will keep the dog eager to work for you.

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