Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Dog Training: How to House Break Your Dog

Dog training is something any dog owner has to go through. Most people now get their dog training through a dog trainer. But there are some aspects of dog training that can't be done with a dog trainer.

This is because this type of dog training occurs at your home. Not sure what kind of dog training I'm talking about?

I'll give you a hint... this kind of dog training takes place 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Give up?

What I'm talking about is potty training or house breaking your dog or puppy. This part of dog training is often the most hated and dreaded of all dog training. This is because house breaking often takes the longest for your dog or puppy to learn.

For those of you who need help with, house breaking your dog, help has arrived.

House breaking your dog often starts when you get your dog as a puppy. But there are adult dogs that need this type of dog training as well. Dog training has come a long way in recent years.

It has recently been decided that crate training is the best way to get your dog house broken. Dogs do not like to sleep where they have gone to the bathroom. So, in theory, if you keep a dog in a crate for small periods of time, they will learn to hold it. This is because they would rather hold it than lay in it.

Most people think that this form of dog training is cruel to the dog. But in reality, this form of dog training is not cruel in any manner, in fact, many dogs like the idea of sleeping in a crate.

Dogs naturally like to sleep in a den like environment. Using a crate for your dog training

helps create this environment. Dogs feel safe and comfortable in their "den." Many people find that their dogs often go to their crate on their own when tired.

Using a crate does take time for a dog to get used to, so be sure to start out in small intervals when beginning this type of dog training.

House breaking your dog can be a difficult part of dog training. But crate training has been proven to be the most effective way of house breaking your dog. In fact, most dog training classes and dog training books recommend it for house breaking.

For more information about this type of dog training, you can go online and type in "Crate Training" into the search engine. You will soon see for yourself how effective a crate will make your dog training easier!

Amy Howells is owner of the Dog Owner Blog, where she gives free information on all aspects of dog behavior training.For more advice on dog potty training be sure to visit Amy's free blog right now.

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Monday, December 29, 2008

Dog Training: How to Stop the Chewing Problem

Many people have begun the task of getting there dog or puppy into a dog training school. There are a lot of aspects that are gone over in dog training classes. Unfortunately, one part of dog training that is not gone over very well in dog training classes is chewing.

It is hard to go over a chewing problem in dog training classes because dogs often have nothing to chew on or destroy while in the class! If you are one of those people who are in dog training classes, but you still need help with chewing, please read on.

This type of dog training can be for dogs young and old. Many people find this part of dog training to be more common in puppies. But older dogs have been know to need this type of dog training because they love to chew things up while their owners are away!

To begin this type of dog training, you must first realize that all dogs chew. Dogs need to chew. So when you begin, make sure you have several things that are ok for your dog to chew on. Then begin your dog training by keeping all of your dogs chewing toys in one location.

This way, your dog will learn to associate this spot with his or her chew toys. You must do this in order for this type of dog training to work. Try to have the dog toys in a "toy box" for your dog.

During this dog training, never spank or hit your dog if you catch it chewing on something it is not allowed to. Instead, for effective dog training, praise your dog and pet it when it chews on what it is supposed to chew on.

It has been shown that dogs respond much better to positive praise and positive dog training. If the dog continues to chew on things that it shouldn't, verbally reprimand it. Your tone of voice will be enough punishment and is the only punishment necessary for this kind of dog training.

Another method of dog training you can try is to put a taste deterrent on the items your dog shouldn't chew. This Dog Training chew deterrent is called "bitter apple" and it is available at most pet stores.

These are the most effective means of dog training that will teach your dog not to chew on inappropriate things. If you follow all of these aspects, your dog training should go more smoothly.

Dog training can be a fun and rewarding long as all of your favorite things aren't chewed up in the process! Keep calm and be patient to achieve good results.

Amy Howells is owner of the Dog Owner Blog, where she gives free information on all aspects of dog behavior training.For more information on dog training, including advice on basic dog training equipment, be sure to visit her blog right now.

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Dog Training – House Training Your Dog

One of the most confusing and anxiety-ridden areas of dog training is house training. Yet, it is one of the most important, especially for the humans involved.

The best way to understand and find success with house training is to use the dog’s own nature to help you.

Dogs are, by instinct, very clean animals. They would rather not soil any areas where they normally sleep or eat. Dogs are also creatures of habit --- they like to know where they’re supposed to go urinate and defecate. If the dog is taught to eliminate on gravel or concrete, they will tend to look for either of those surfaces to do so. If they’re taught to eliminate on grass or dirt, that’s where they will choose. Use these habits to your advantage.

Setting up the training area

This is the first step. Make sure the area you choose is small and confined. A bathroom works for this, or a place in a kitchen or garage also work well. Remember that crate training works well for puppies or small dogs, but for the larger animals, the crate is too confining.

You need to spend some time with this aspect of the training. You need to play with your dog in this area, and this is also where the dog will be taught to sleep and eat. Put together a special bed. This can be something you make up with items around the house, or you can go to the store and purchase a bed. Don’t worry of your dog eliminates in this area at first. Once they figure out that this is where the sleep and eat, they’ll stop eliminating there.

Once your dog realizes that the bed is for sleeping, you can begin to move it around the house. But, only when you’re there. When you’re not, put the bed back in the training area.

Setting up the toilet area

Now you need to determine where the toilet area is going to be located. Presumably, this will be outside the house. Wherever it is, it has to a place that the dog can go to whenever it needs to go. You need to go there with your dog so you can give the appropriate rewards for good behavior.

Establish a set feeding schedule for your dog. If the dog is in the habit of being fed at certain times, the natural process of elimination will also begin to occur at certain times. Once you learn when those times relate to the eating times, it will become much easier for you to guide the dog to the established toilet area.

Don’t forget to make sure your dog has ready access to the toilet area. That way mistakes aren’t as likely to occur.

Continuing the house training process

Once your dog is in the habit of eliminating in the toilet area and not in the sleeping/eating area, you can begin to extend the training area to the rest of the house. Do this slowly. Start by expanding to one additional room, and then gradually expand into other areas. Don’t expand into new areas until you’re sure your dog has control of its bladder and bowels. At first, do this only when you’re around. If you’re away, then put your dog back in the original training area.

Speeding up the process

If you have to move this process along more quickly, you can do so. Remember to proceed with caution, though. It’s better to go slowly than to have to try to retrain a dog later. If you’re going to try to speed things up, you will have to be there in order to reward your dog for successful eliminations. It is also important not to punish for mistakes. That will only confuse the dog and slow the process even further.

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Saturday, December 27, 2008

Dog Training - Four Tips To Effectively Remove Dog Stain

Every dog owner has experienced how frustrating it could be when their puppy or dog pee in the house. Housebreaking your puppy is one of the most important aspects of dog training. Barely the mere odor of dog pee in the home could be upsetting.

Regrettably, the instance your dog have taken the first step to pee in the house he or she will most likely keep on going on the same spot again and again.

Gosh, those adorable dogs and their precious and clever tricks! Don't we enjoy the way they play fetch and run and jump and come around and lick us affectionately and pee all over the carpet and…

Pee all over the rug? Well we do not love that aspect of dog ownership, now do we?

Dogs can easily be housebroken and trained to let their owners become aware as when they want to go outdoors and make a little weedle or another bigger job, just prior to that happening - and occasionally afterwards also - the inside of your house turns into Rover's marked territory.

The stains and odors of Phydeaux's small mishaps and dishonorable discharges can leave a long-lasting impression on carpetings and rugs, furniture, and some other items in your place whenever they are not attended at once.

Whenever you are fortunate enough to catch Duke in the act of alleviating himself all over the Persian rug that was a given to you by your favorite family member, take the steps that have to do with the dog's training and then attend to the poodle puddle immediately.

Utilize a rag or some paper towels to absorb every bit of the mess as possible and then clean the region with a mix of cold or tepid (never hot) water and some sort of cleansing agent.

Peroxide works well at removing the chance of a spot in addition to the smell, but it shouldn't be employed on positive fabrics or dyes.

A dab of dishwashing detergent (the type you use in the sink, not the dishwashing machine) blended with water can do a decent job on these fresh stains also.

As for spots that have been allowed to sit for some time you will require to take somewhat more drastic steps. Organic cleansing agents like Spot Shot acts better on blots like these and should be chosen over chemicals.

If you do decide to apply chemicals, hydrogen peroxide is your friend once more since it can act as a fantastic stain remover. Once again you will prefer to dilute with warm water and apply it to the surface area.

Some scrubbing will be required, but it should be done as gently as possible, depending upon the kind of fabric. If we are talking about carpeting, some vigorous scrubbing will likely be okay since the fibers are designed to handle a bit of a beating.

If the dirty items are washable fabrics like clothing, towels, or small throw rugs, the stains should come out in the wash. Place the item in the washing machine by itself with the regular washing detergent that you'd ordinarily use and a little bit of color safe bleach (whites can and should be done with regular chlorine bleaching agent).

The best way to deal with doggie urine stains is to prevent them from happening to begin with, which can be achieved through careful and meticulous dog training.

If the episodic whoopsie does occur, do not lose your head. Deal with the dog in the suitable fashion and rest at ease in the knowing that, in almost all events, pee washes out.

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Dog Training Goals

Easily learn to train your dog at home even if you know how important dog training is to your dog, you may not always feel like it is practical. The first part of dog training is to teach your dog to sit. The next part of dog training is to teach your dog to stay. The world of pet training is diverse and complex, and many different training methods exist. My am is to point you in the right direction and avoid my mistakes in dog training.

The key to any goal is to just get started. Even if you’re wrong at least you’re starting to do something. Start out by keeping eye contact with the dog. Start a feeding and exercise schedule, and stick with it. If you are an inexperienced dog trainer, dog obedience may be a good start for you. I just didn’t have the schedule that allowed me to get dog training in. You can then go a step further and use hand signals to act as the commands. Keep looking and trying different dog training techniques until you find the one that works. The important part is just start something!

Pet education may be used to carry out many of your dog's fundamental needs like exercise and social interaction. Crate training is an important aspect in dog training. Crate training your dog is a crucial part of dog guidance and should be done with patience and care. Crate training a dog can be one of the most beneficial aspects of successful instruction. The crate should become a comfort zone, and should be used consistently when leaving or sleeping.

Dog training is the process of teaching a dog to exhibit certain desired behaviors in specific circumstances. Dog education is very important for many reasons. Proper dog training is one of the most important aspects of owning a well adjusted pet. The goal of dog training is to empower the owner with the skills. Good dog training will lead towards teamwork with their dog to resolve any current behavioral issues that exist today and the knowledge of what to do for any future challenges that may arise. Pet training is not a regulated industry and it's difficult to know which dog trainer to choose. I failed miserably at finding the correct dog training techniques. See what turned me to the dark side of dog training manuals. I give “no holds bared” review that you should read before you spend one dime on dog education.

Demosthenes Damon is an article writer and dog lover. To learn more about his the reviews of dog training products please visit or click Dog Training

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Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Dog Training Problems - Sending Your Dog The Wrong Message

The number are staggering. Each year thousands of dogs are simply abandoned because their owners easily gave up on them. The reason for this phenomenon is simple. Some pet owners simply can’t teach or control their pets. They blame “bad pet behavior” as their reason for taking their pets to the pound or worse, just dropping them of on some strange street. Sadly, these dogs are often euthanized in the pound because of over population.

It seems miscommunication plays a vital role in the increasing number of deaths in dogs cause by behavioral problems. Since it is easier to teach a dog a wrong behavior, most dog owners tend to accomplish this feat. They usually impose punishment improperly and do not make an effort to correct the wrong behavior of their pets. Sadly, proper training and positive reinforcement can address this kind of problem.

The most effective way of teaching a dog proper behavior is knowing how to correct their wrong behavior. There are two ways to correct the wrong behavior of your dog, a positive way and a negative way. Spanking, kicking or yelling at your dog to correct his wrong behavior will most likely only lead to more negative behavior. Spanking a dog when he enters an area in which he is not allowed will relay a wrong message that you do not want him to go there if you are not watching. In addition, when you rub the dog's nose on its feces he will think that you want him to eat his own feces. This kind of behavior is called coprophagia.

In contrast, when you are able to correct the negative behavior of your dog, you may give him positive commands like sit, lie down or stay. If the dog ignores you, walk away from him for a minute or two then come back again. When he obeys, you give him positive reinforcement such as good rub or a treat. Positive reinforcement of good behavior works.

Exercise is a vital component of dog training. In fact, dogs that are not exercised regularly tend to find ways, usually destructive, to release their energy. The common reason for the lack of exercise is that most owners find it difficult to control their dogs during walks. The result is less frequent walks and more behavioral problems.

Teaching your dog the basic obedience training is not a difficult task; it merely requires patience and constant practice. However, the price of the hard work is long years of enjoyment. If you think you cannot teach your dog the basic obedience training, there are available training class programs for owners. After all, usually it’s the owner, not the pet, which needs the training.

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Electronic Dog Training Collars

Electronic dog training collars have many different uses for training your dog. From basic commands to field training they are very versatile. Some lazy dog owners will rely on electronic dog training collars too much and can get unpredictable results. They are often best left for professionals.

First of all, electronic dog training collars are somewhat controversial. Some people would like to see them banned entirely, whereas others really think they are great. Just like any other tool, it can be abused and misused if put in the hands of a novice.

There are a couple of different kings of electronic dog training collars. Bark collars are electronic collars that basically give the dog a shock whenever they bark. The good thing about this is that the dog gets an immediate feedback on their behavior; and are more likely to associated the punishment with barking, than if the punishment is given at a later time.

With the other type of electronic dog training collar the level of shock can be controlled by a remote control. This is the type of collar some trainers use when they are teaching the dog basic commands or field training. The main advantages of this collar is that you can adjust the level of shock the dog receives, and also while the dog is far away from you in the field you can still deliver training stimulus.

Electronic dog training collars should be used by trained professionals or people who have been trained to use them. It is recommended that you try reward based dog training first. Reward based dog training is offering rewards, like dog treats for good behavior.

No matter what your feelings are towards electronic dog training collars, many people continue to use them to train dogs. If your dog is misbehaving you should try and find out the cause of it first before resorting to an electronic dog training collar.

For more dog training advice visit my website: Dog Training.

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Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Dog Crates – Why Using A Crate Is An Invaluable Dog Training Tool

Having the right dog crate when you start raising a new puppy is essential for various reasons. Some puppies do not yet know how to cope with large open spaces since they are new to the home and a perfect size dog crate can help calm him down. Dog crates are also a fantastic way to easily housebreak a puppy. All in all, a good dog crate is an invaluable training tool regardless of what type of puppy you have.

Dog crates are also a perfect solution to puppies that become overexcited. All you have to do is put your puppy inside the crate in order to help him relax. If your dog has to be left in the house unattended for a few hours, then having a crate is a stress-free way for you to be gone from the house and not worry about your puppy getting into trouble around the home or soiling the carpet.

Dog crates are also a great way to feed your puppy in case he becomes easily distracted. Simply put his food bowl inside and off he goes in an enclosed area where he can focus on eating his meal.

And here are a few more tips when it comes to using a dog crate:

1. Make sure that you get the appropriate size crate based on your dog's height and width. This is especially important if you are housebreaking your puppy with a dog crate. If the box is too large then your puppy may use the bathroom on one side, but keep sleeping on the other side, which defeats the purpose of crate training in terms of potty training.

2. If you have a fast-growing puppy, then consider buying a large crate that is meant for an adult dog but that has a divider built into it. This way you can divide the crate in half so that your puppy will be able to lie down comfortably and still be able to turn around if needed. A divided dog crate can also be used for your larger puppies by removing the division bracket.

3. One last aspect of using a dog crate that you should consider is the type of bedding that you place on the floor. Some dog owners have noticed that their puppies still use the bathroom inside even though the crate is the appropriate size for potty training. In most instances it turns out that the bedding that they laid down was a little too thick and had a tendency to induce urination in dogs. Instead, try to lay down less comfortable bedding that your dog does not consider to be used for urination, like newspaper for example.

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Monday, December 22, 2008

How To Train My Dog - Discover The 7 Proven Steps To Training Your Dog

A common question of new dog owners is, "How can I train my dog ?" I also asked that same question when I wanted to train my dog . Here are the the 7 proven steps to train any dog . Every dog owner should have this list:

1. Know The Breed of Your Dog

This can be important in some cases because certain dogs are easier to train then others. Just keep this in mind. It won't affect the training too much.

2. Determine How Much Money You Have Available To Spend

This is important because you can easily waste money with certain dog training methods. Hiring a personal trainer for example can cost $75 an hour. That is a bit much.

3. Prepare Your Dog For Training

This means that your dog should be used to being around you. The dog should not be afraid of you.

4. Choose A Location In Your Home To Train

This can be outside or inside. It can be in any room. This is done so that whenever your dog enters this room, it will know that it is training time and that it should follow your commands. This made it easier to train my dog .

5. Setup A Time To Train

When training your dog , it is bad to have interruptions. These will distract you and your dog , which is why it is best to dedicate a certain amount of time each day to training .

6. Setup The Training Area

Now that you have chosen a place to train you must also organize the area. Do not leave anything out that you wouldn't want to break or damage. Also, remove any sort of rug just in case your dog needs to urinate.

7. Begin Training

Everything is ready. Now all you need to do is begin training .

There is and easy way to discover a proven training method for your dog . The Sit Stay Fetch Dog Training Guide is a guide created by dog training experts, that teaches dog owners how to train their dog . This helped me train my dog properly.

Get Information On Sit Stay Fetch Dog Training To Discover How I Learned To Train My Dog Visit:

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Sunday, December 21, 2008

Dog Aggression Training – How To Deal With Your Dog’s Aggressive Behavior

Anytime a dog is acting aggressive; there is a reason for it. Aggression in dogs happens because of genetics, environment and training methods. There is always a trigger for aggressive behavior. One of the first steps a professional dog trainer or behaviorist will do when dealing with an aggressive dog is find out what is triggering the aggression. There can be many reasons for this. Treating aggression consists of four steps. The first step is getting a through vet check. We need to rule out any physical problems before we can start any behavior program. The second step consists of safety and management. The third and step involves developing a positive relationship and structure. And the last step deals with treating and changing the dog’s aggressive response. In order for the program to be effective each part of the program must be followed.

1. Aggression is often described as a snowball going downhill. It starts very small and insignificant and quickly becomes huge and intimidating. It is very important that we try to limit the number of aggressive incidents that occur. Limit access to anything that triggers the aggression. Some other important points to remember are:

Walk the dog on a gentle leader

Muzzle before vets, groomers, etc.

Keep the dog kenneled or in a crate when unsupervised

Try to walk the dog in areas or at times when you are unlikely to come into contact with other dogs.

Remember good management skills are very important for any dog owner, but it is especially important for owners with aggressive dogs.

2. Positive relationship and structure: A dog is a pack animal, which is one reason they make such good pets because they respond to a social structure. In the wild, the pack is very loosely organized, but there is always a pack leader. In order for the pack to survive there needs to be structure. A dog living in a domestic situation needs to understand that its human pack members are at the top of the social scale. We need to be strong leaders in the dog’s eyes; otherwise the dog will develop unwanted behaviors. A dog does not have to be physically punished in order to learn that we are the pack leaders. A more desirable way to establish our position is to control what is important to the dog.




Social contact


As you structure the relationship, it is also important to provide your dog with some mental and physical stimulation. A dog needs exercise and a change of scenery once in a while (walks at the beach, in the woods, going to parks are all good and necessary things for your dog.) Another good thing to do for your dog is to put him on a quality diet. Nutrition has a direct effect on your dog’s behavior.

3. Treating the aggression: Treating the aggression is a gradual process and should be done with a professional trainer. The aggressive response needs to be dealt with. Using harsh physical methods to deal with aggression can backfire. Putting a choke collar and trying to “correct” the aggressive behavior with a leash correction can make the behavior worse.


If your dog is showing signs of aggressive behavior please contact an experienced professional dog trainer or behaviorist. Aggressive behavior can be very dangerous and needs to be addressed sooner rather than later.

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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Effective Dog Obedience Training

Dog training with an obedience teacher can be very expensive and usually takes place in a class with other dogs. If you do the dog training yourself, it is much cheaper and you can do it from your own home. There are many books online or at the store that give in details the steps you should take to fix the specific obedience problem your dog has.

The process of dog training is basically teaching your pet to do certain things that have been commanded of them. You train your dog to understand the command and follow it. There are different methods and goals in training a dog. A few examples of what they might be trained to do would be to obey commands, perform certain tricks, work as a guide, rescue, hunting, or herding dog, follow any commands regarding agility, and even work as a guard dog.

Dogs are social animals and a lack of training can bring out the wild behaviour in them or annoying habits. Dog obedience training helps your dog develop good behaviour. Obedience training is great for your dog, as it is a good mental exercise that enables the dog to live happier and with more freedom. Also it can bring you and your dog closer on a personal level.

When a dog destroys your belongings because playing is ripping things to shreds, or goes to the bathroom everywhere because it doesn't know any better, it's time for dog obedience training. The training may not resolve all the dog's behavioral problems, but will certainly solve some of them.
When you a get a new dog, it is a good idea to begin obedience training as soon as possible.

Obedience training doesn't solve all behaviour problems, but it is the foundation for solving just about any dog problem you may have.

Learn how to quickly train your dog with effective obedience training! Click here now:

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Sunday, December 14, 2008

Dog Training Collar – Using It To Train Your Dog Safely And Effectively

Dog training choke collars also known as choke chains, slip collar, correction collars or training collars are one of the most common collars use for dog obedience training and leash manners.

Listed below are some of the common rules to take note while using the dog choke collar.

1. Fit of the dog-training collar

The proper fit of the collar makes it safer and easier to use. The dog training collars work best when fitted properly. The dog training collar is the ideal size if it fits snugly, but comfortably over the dog's head. You don't want it too tight, but you don't want it too loose either. If it is too tight, it will be difficult to take off and put on. If it's too loose it may accidentally slip off the dog's head when the head is lowered.

2. How the training collar is put on.

There is a right way and a wrong way. Always look for correct instruction when putting on the collar, there should be clear instructions on how to put on the collars for your dog, if you are unclear, consult the shop keeper immediately.

3. When to use the collar

Your dog should only wear the collar during training sessions. Use the collar only when you plan to enforce commands. Putting the collar on the dog tells your dog, "you need to pay extra attention to me for what we're doing next." Do not use the collar on everyday, meandering walks, when the dog is unsupervised, or without a leash attached. A choke collar chokes. An unattended animal could get caught on something and then choke himself.

4. How the collar is used

It should be used as a sharp reminder or as a guide; it should not be used with constant heavy pressure, such as to choke the dog. A choke collar is used both to remind your dog you need his attention and to correct the dog. The former is simply a matter of procedure and routine. The latter is the "choke". Don't think that choking is going to leave your dog coughing and wheezing. Worn correctly, the collar releases very quickly. The device is meant to simulate the way in which momma-dogs grab troublemaking offspring by the back of the head with a little shake.

To perform a correction, the trainer pulls the collar or a leash attached to it firmly and quickly. Say "No!" while doing so in a firm voice. The trainer then releases the tension just as soon as they apply it. The release is the difference between a humane, effective correction and literally choking the dog.

By following the four rules above closely, it will go a long way to make sure that you are using the dog training collar in a safe and effective manner.

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Friday, December 12, 2008

Dog Training Behaviour

Welcome to my site on Dog Training Behaviour, the easiest way i have found to teach my dog good behaviour and simple commands is the clicker training method. This dog training behaviour method is a positive reinforcement training that is, rewarding the behaviour that we approve of instead of punishing behaviour that we don't approve of. When your dog does what you want it to do, you click and give your dog a treat.


In dog training behaviour, the benefit of the clicker is that it makes a consistent sound, the good thing about this is that you can make the clicking sound at the very moment your dog is caring out the behaviour you like you can then reward your dog with a small treat for doing well. The dog will soon learn to associate the good behaviour with the clicking sound and a forthcoming treat.


You must always treat after a click, even if you have clicked by accident. Your dog must have absolute faith in the click means treat routine.
You should only click once, Do not get over excited when your dog does gret things and click, click, click this will take the consistency out of the click and treat routine. And confuse your dog.
Try to keep your training session short and sweet, around five minutes would be sufficient. Training behaviour sessions should be fun for both you and your dog. Fun for your dog because you will be rewarding all good behaviour with treats, and fun for you because it will be far easier than you ever imagined to train your dog.

dog training behaviour for simple and easy tips and techniques in dog behaviour and obedience training dogtrainingbehaviour

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Remote Dog Training Collars-does Your Dog Need An Attitude Adjustment

Who wouldn’t want a well trained dog that everyone enjoys having around? Let’s face it. No one wants a dog that bites, nips, barks, digs, jumps, begs or growls, but how do you achieve the preferred behaviors and eliminate the unwanted ones? Simply put, the answer is training. At the very least, you want your dog to know and obey the basic commands of sit, stay, come, down and heel.

Maybe you can get your dog to obey when he is on a leash but the second he is loose, you have lost all control. Not only is this a cause for major frustration, it also puts your dog at risk from any one of a number of hazards. So how do you train your dog to obey on and off the leash? The simple solution is a remote dog training collars.

Having been used by professional trainers for years, remote dog training collars are gaining recognition and popularity with pet owners as a means of achieving their goals of owning a well trained dog who listens on and off the leash.

Unfortunately, for many years, the only type of remote dog training collars available were shock collars. However, with the breakthrough technology of citronella remote dog training collars a few years ago, another option was made available. You can now have an effective, humane aid to train your pet. A citronella remote dog training collar is the safe alternative to a shock collar. Dogs will respond faster when using a remote dog training collar that does NOT cause pain or anxiety. A shock collar causes both. Although the citronella remote dog training collar is an electronic dog training collar, it is not a shock collar. It uses a gentle spray of citronella which causes a disruptive stimulus. It has been found that using the citronella spray collar along with positive reinforcement is more than twice as effective as an electric shock collar for behavior modification. When you inflict pain with a shock collar, you may very well increase anxiety and aggression in your dog, making behavior problems even worse.

According to current statistics there are approximately 74.8 million dogs living in 44.8 million households across the United States. Train your dog to be one of the well behaved ones. To teach a new behavior, reward your dog 100% of the time he offers you the correct response. To maintain a behavior that has been learned, reward your dog intermittently and unpredictably. Remember that perseverance and consistent training will help you achieve your goal of the well behaved pet.

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Thursday, December 11, 2008

How to Understand Your Dog's Behavior

Dog training will give many benefits for everyone. Dog training will make the dog be better behavior and more close to you. The benefit is you can easily to control your dog action and your dog will more familiar with your friends and family.

To begin the training, you must understand the standard behavior of your dog. Many dogs just like about two things, there are food and play. Most dogs are "Pack animals", little similar to wolves. They almost consider that everyone in your house as a part of their pack. Many dogs mostly don't want to be a leader, but if no one of they clan take the leader, they will be assume liability to be the leader.

To successful to be a dog trainer, you must be a leader of this pack to be successful dog training and have a better living with your dog and your family. You also need to be firm and consistent while train your dog or you will become pack leader again. You also have to make the "Chain of Command" that very important to behave your dog.

You should know that its illegal to strike a dog, so if you are so frustrated while training your dog, you should never to hit your dog. It's useless, because your dog can feel your frustration and be nervous then looses his concentration to your training.

So, the key in dog training is your Consistency. You must keep focus and not to deviate the task of your training. You also must repeat your train again and again, so your dog will remember your train. Don't give up when your dog is hard to remember your train, but you must continue train them until they remember, and sometimes they will remember your train, you will be satisfied with your effort.

Kevin William is the owner of For further recommended resources on how to start a profitable dog business that is Guaranteed to jumpstart you to how to be a good dog training and get your newsletter for free.

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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Adult Dog Toilet Training Tips

Toilet training a dog is the process of teaching your dog to eliminate where you want. If you do not want to make yourself busy with picking up piles and removing dog urine stains from carpet, you need to potty train your dog. You need to give freedom to your dog outside or in your apartment where he can eliminate naturally and you do not have to worry about the mess.

In this article, we will discuss different aspects of adult dog toilet training.

Dog potty training with crate

The most effective method of dog toilet training involves the use of a crate. Dog is an intelligent and clean animal. They prefer to keep the place clean where they sleep.

After initial 2 weeks of training, your dog will learn what is expected of him in terms of toilet habits. Your dog should go to crate for rest, use the designated place for potty.

What you should know for toilet training a puppy in crate?

1. Crate size should not big enough so dog can sleep one side and potty other side
2. Crate should not too small, so that your puppy feels uncomfortable to go inside.

Potty training a dog without a crate

Dog toilet training without crate is difficult. There will be few cases of accidents initially and you need to be ready to clean up the mess without any physical punishment to your dog.

Important tips on dog training

1. You should be in touch with your dog throughout the day

2. You need to recognize signs that your dog needs to use the toilet so that you can immediately take the puppy to the spot where you want him to potty, give the command word and praise his successes. Always use same command like "go pee" and do not play with him that time.

Dog toilet training using papers

If you have a dog of small breed, you can use paper for dog toilet training. It is useful only if you stay in high-rise apartment and cannot take your dog outside for potty.

Are you dog owner and facing challenges in potty training your puppy?

Click the link to read professional dog trainers advises and recommendations on puppy potty training and how to clean dog urine

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Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Dog Training Collars -- Proper Selection Leads To Training Success

The proper selection of a training collar can have a significant impact on the success of any dog training program. Most new dog trainers make the mistake of choosing a dog collar that does not allow for adequate control during the training sessions.

During my nearly four years of working with dogs, I have seen dog collars in numerous sizes and shapes. From head leaders to pronged choke collars, the choices available to dog owners are endless. However, in my training experience, I have not seen a dog training collar as effective as the classic choke collar.

The basic choke collar is an effective training tool that can be used on almost any size dog (for very small dogs, a nylon dog collar might be preferred). When used properly, the correction and response of the dog is almost immediate.

The key to using a choke collar effectively is to keep the dog collar loose when the dog is exhibiting proper behavior. For example, if the dog is heeling without pulling ahead, the choke collar should remain loose. If the dog begins to pull ahead, a quick "pop" or tightening of the collar will teach the dog that unwanted behavior has occurred. As soon as the dog's behavior has corrected, the collar is once again loosened.

By using the tightening & loosening technique, the dog quickly learns to associate good behavior with a loose collar. If the collar were to remain constantly tightened, the dog would only learn to fight against the choking feeling.

Regardless of which collar type you choose, it is imperative that the dog collar fit properly and give you, the trainer, maximum control over the dog.

For nearly four years, David Dunlap has been working & training dogs from puppyhood to more advanced levels. For more information on dog collars, visit

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Thursday, December 4, 2008

Clicker Training - For Positive Dog Training

Looking for an easy, fun way to train your dog? Clicker training is the answer. Clicker training uses a small device, that when pressed makes a clicking sound. This click signifies to the dog, job well done. The click is usually followed up immediately with a treat.

The clicker training method doesn't use punishment, or violence to teach the dog obedience. Clicker Training is a totally positive experience for the dog. The click provides the dog with confidence that he or she is performing the required task correctly, and the follow-up treat rewards him or her to encourage that required behavior.

Clicker Training can be used to train almost any command you can think. For example, to teach a dog to sit, you might move the treat over her head, and her head will move up forcing her butt down. When her butt hits the floor, you can click and treat. Repeat the process several times adding the "Sit" command. The dog has now been trained to sit, using the clicker training method. This is a very basic example, but this method can be applied to any aspect of the dogs training. Many experts agree clicker training is the most gentle, safest way to train a dog.

Brian Thibault is a dog training hobbiest, who specializes in clicker training. To find out more about clicker training visit,

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Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Three Tips to Effective Dog Training

Dog training can be a difficult process, especially is you aren't entirely sure of the right techniques. Learning how to train a dog is possible for anyone though. To make it easier to train a dog, it is important to follow these three easy steps.

1. Make sure your dog or puppy isn't tired

A tired dog will be more easily distracted, lethargic and less likely to be able to take in what you are trying to teach. It is much more likely that you will become frustrated with a tired dog or puppy as their attention span will be even less than usual. Save yourself the stress and only train a refreshed and well rested dog

2. Make sure the dog is hungry

If you are training with treats, it is vital that your dog hasn't just eaten. A hungry dog is going to be much more excited about a treat, so don't train your dog or puppy right after feeding. Of course, this doesn't mean that you should starve your dog before you train, but it certainly helps if the dog is hungry.

3. Make sure you and the dog are in the right frame of mind

If you are stressed or irritated the dog will pick up on that, and the training won't be as productive as it should be. Make sure you and the dog are both relaxed, and set aside a certain time of the time that is solely for training so that you both get used to the routine.

Are you fed up of wasting your time when training your dog? Do you want to know the techniques that really work? Then you should read the SitStayFetch Ebook!

Richard Cross is owner of the Pets Clinic website. Pets clinic provides health information and advice about all kinds of pets, with new articles added daily.

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Advance Dog Training – When To Give Your Dog The Freedom Off The Leash

Many dog owners are anxious to give their four legged companions the freedom of going off leash, but it is important not to rush that important step. Dogs should only be allowed off their leash after they have become masters of all the basic obedience commands, such as walking at your heel, sitting and staying on command.

Another skill that must be completely mastered before the dog can be taken off the leash is the come when called command. Even if the dog can heel, sit and stay perfectly, if he cannot be relied upon to come when called, he is not ready to be taken off the leash.

Taking any dog off the leash, especially in a busy, crowded area, or one with a lot of traffic, is a big step and not one to be taken lightly. It is vital to adequately test your dog in a safe environment before taking him off his leash. After all, the leash is the main instrument of control. You must be absolutely certain you can rely on your voice commands for control before removing the leash.

After the dog has been trained to understand the sit, stay and come when called commands, it is important to challenge the dog with various distractions. It is a good idea to start by introducing other people, other animals, or both, while the dog is in a safe environment like a fenced in yard.

Have a friend or neighbor stand just outside the fence while you hold you dog on the leash. As the friend or family member walks around the outside of the fence, watch your dog’s reactions closely. If he starts to pull at the leash, quickly tug him back.

Repeat this exercise until the dog will reliably remain at your side. After this, you can try dropping the leash, and eventually removing the leash and repeating the distraction. It is important to vary the distractions, such as introducing other animals, other people, traffic, rolling balls, etc.

After your dog is able to remain still in the face of distraction, start introducing the come when called lessons with distractions in place. Try inviting some of the neighbors, and their dogs, over to play. As the dogs are playing in the fenced in yard, try calling your dog.

When the dog comes to you, immediately give him lots of praise, and perhaps a food reward. After the dog has been rewarded, immediately allow him to go back to playing. Repeat this several times throughout the day, making sure each time to reward the dog and immediately allow him to go back to his fun.

After the dog has seemingly mastered coming when called in his own yard, try finding a local dog park or similar area where you can practice with your dog. It is important to make the area small, or to choose a fenced in area, in case you lose control of the dog. If you cannot find a fenced in area, choose an area well away from people and cars.

Practice with your dog by allowing him to play with other dogs, or just to sniff around, then calling your dog. When he comes to you, immediately reward and praise him, then let him resume his previous activities. Doing this will teach the dog that coming to you is the best option and the one most likely to bring both rewards and continued good times.

Only after the dog has consistently demonstrated the ability to come when called, even when there are many distractions around, is it safe to allow him time off leash. Off leash time should never be unsupervised time. It is important, both for your well being and your dog’s, that you know where he is and what he is doing at all times.

It is easy for a dog to get into trouble quickly, so you should always keep an eye on him, whether he is chasing squirrels in the park, playing with other dogs, or just chasing a ball with the neighbor’s kids.

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Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Training Your Dog To Dealing With Separation Anxiety – The Misbehavior Of Your Dog While You’re Away

Separation anxiety, also known in the dog training world as owner absent misbehavior, is one of the most frequently encountered problems in the world of dog training. Separation anxiety can manifest itself in many different ways, including chewing, destroying the owner’s property, excessive barking, self destructive behavior and inappropriate urination and defecation.

Dogs suffering from separation anxiety often whine, bark, cry, howl, dig, chew and scratch at the door the entire time their family members are away. Well meaning owners often unwittingly encourage this misbehavior by rushing home to reassure the dog, but it is important for the well being of both dog and owner that the dog learn to deal with extended periods of separation.

How the owner leaves the house can often contribute to separation anxiety issues. A long and drawn out period of farewell can make matters worse by making the dog feel even more isolated when the owner finally leaves.

These long types of farewells can get the dog excited, and then leave him with lots of excess energy and no way to work it off. These excited, isolated dogs often work off their excess energy in the most destructive of ways, such as chewing up a favorite rug or piece of furniture.

Excess energy is often mistaken for separation anxiety, since results are often the same. If you think that excess amounts of energy may be the problem, try giving your dog more exercise to see if that eliminates the problem.

If separation anxiety is truly the problem, it is important to address the root causes of that anxiety. In order to prevent separation anxiety from occurring, it is important for the dog to feel happy, safe, secure and comfortable while the owner is away for the day. It is important, for instance, to give the dog plenty of things to keep it busy while you are away.

This means providing it with lots of toys, such as balls or chew toys. A pet companion is often effective at relieving separation anxiety as well. Giving the dog a playmate, such as another dog or a cat, is a great way for busy pet parents and pets alike to cope with the stress of being left alone.

Setting aside scheduled play times, during which the pet is given your undivided attention, is another great way to alleviate boredom and separation anxiety. Playing with the dog, and providing it with sufficient attention and exercise, is a proven way to avoid a stressed and anxious dog.

A happy dog that has been well exercised and well conditioned will generally sleep the day away happily and patiently wait for the return of its owner. It is important to schedule one of these daily play sessions before you leave the house each day. It is important to give the dog a few minutes to settle down after playtime before you leave.

For dogs that are already experiencing separation anxiety and associated misbehaviors, it is important to get him accustomed to your leaving gradually. Be sure to practice leaving and returning at irregular intervals, several times during the day. Doing so will get your dog accustomed to your departures and help him realize that you are not leaving him forever.

Dogs that have been previously lost, or those that have been surrendered to shelters and readopted, often have the worst problems with separation anxiety. Part of treating this problem is teaching the dog that your leaving is not permanent.

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Monday, December 1, 2008

Dog Training - The Best Method To Train Your Dog Fast Without Touching Them

Reward training is often seen as the most modern method of training a dog, but reward training is probably much older than other methods of dog training. It is possible that reward training for dogs has been around as long as there have been dogs to train. Early humans probably used some informal kind of reward training when taming the wolf pups that eventually evolved into modern dogs.

Many principles of modern reward training date back many decades. However, what is called reward training today has only enjoyed is remarkable popularity for the past 10 or 15 years.

Many reward training enthusiasts are less enthusiastic about other methods of dog training, such as the traditional leash and collar method. However, the best approach to training any individual dog is often a combination of leash/collar training and reward training.

In addition, a training method that works perfectly for one dog may be totally inappropriate for another, and vice versa. Some dogs respond wonderfully to reward training and not at all to leash and collar training, while others respond to leash/collar training and are not at all motivated by reward training. Most dogs fall somewhere in the middle of these two extremes.

Clicker training is one of the most popular forms of reward training these days. While clicker training is not the answer for every dog, it can be a remarkably effective method of training many dogs. In clicker training, the dog is taught to associate a clicking sound with a reward, like a treat. The trainer clicks the clicker when the dog does something good, followed immediately by a treat. Eventually, the dog learns to respond to the clicker alone.

Most reward training uses some sort of food reward, or a reward that is associated with getting food. In most cases, complex behaviors can only be taught using this kind of positive reinforcement, and you will find that the people who train dogs for movies and television use reward training almost exclusively.

Reward training is used in all forms of dog training, including police work and military applications. Most scent detection, tracking and police dogs are trained using some form of reward training. Reward training is also a very effective way to teach many basic obedience commands.

Reward training often incorporates the use of a lure in order to get the dog into the position desired by the trainer. The lure is used to get the dog to perform the desired behavior on his or her own and of his or her own free will.

It makes a great deal of sense to get the dog to perform the desired behavior without any physical intervention on the part of the handler. Getting the dog to perform a behavior without being touched is important.

After the dog has performed the desired behavior, it is given a reward, also called a positive reinforcement. Treats are often used as reinforcers, but praise, such as “good dog” or a pat on the head, can also be effective rewards.

Making a dog that has been reward trained a reliable dog is important, especially when the dog has an important job, like police work or drug detection, to do. For that reason it is important to get the dog accustomed to working around distractions, and to properly socialize the animal to both people and other animals.

Many dog trainers make the mistake of only training the dog inside the house or back yard, and only when the handler is there. In order to become a reliably trained companion, the dog must be taken outside the confines of its safety zone and introduced to novel situations.

It is also important to teach the dog to pay attention to the handler at all times. Having the attention of the dog means having control of the dog. Reward training is very effective at getting the respect and the attention of the dog when used properly.

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