Thursday, February 26, 2009

House Training Your Dog, How To Do It While Avoiding The Most Common Problems

While house training a dog, there are many important factors you need to keep in mind. You have to maintain a schedule throughout the entire process. That is the most common problem when trying to house train a dog, if you set yourself up on the same schedule everyday then it makes it easier for your dog to understand how long they need to hold it.

Another important key to house training a dog is to be patient. You have to stay on the schedule for a long time so your puppy is fully house trained and it doesn't come back and forget after a week of doing this. You need to stick with it for months before they will 100% understand what they are doing. You must understand that puppies can only hold their urine for about two hours, so make sure you are able to care for a puppy before getting one. If you work eight hours out of the day and are never home, then it might not be the right time to try training a puppy.

Dogs must be given plenty of time to eliminate their bowels after eating. Give them time to digest there food and then walk them knowing they will have to go soon. This will ensure they don't have an accident while they are inside. Also, dogs do not urinate or defecate indoors out of spite. This is not something they know how to do; they don't understand the human emotion of revenge. The most common reason they do this indoors is to mark over old scents, which is territorial or if they have medical problems. You will need to focus on the positive and not the negative.

You are better off rewarding the dog when they go outside and eliminate than scolding the dog when they have an accident. 9 times out of 10 its your fault when they have the accident, if its not sticking to the schedule you set up or you didn't allow them enough time to go when they were outside. If you praise your dog and use the positive reinforcement method of house training a dog then you will see how quickly your dog learns. Keep this in mind next time they have a little accident on the floor, quickly get them outside so they know this is the correct spot to go and not inside on the floor.

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The author has created a review site that provides you with the most In-Depth and Complete analysis of the best Dog Training manual on the Planet. Please go to:

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Monday, February 23, 2009

Dog Training Using The Reward Training Method

While reward training is commonly viewed as the most current style of dog training, it is actually a lot older than most other methods of dog training. It is likely that the reward training method has been in use since dogs were domesticated thousands of years ago. Early humans likely used some unofficial type of reward training when refining the wolf pups that ultimately became domesticated dogs.

A lot of the ideas about current methods of reward training go back several decades. But what we know as reward training today has only enjoyed its recognition for the past 10 or so years.

Most reward training proponents are not so eager about other methods of dog training, like the leash and collar style. It is likely, though, that the best approach to training your dog will be a mixture of leash and collar training with reward training.

Additionally, a certain training style might work great for one particular dog, but not for another. Some dogs who are not motivated by reward training but do well with the leash/collar method, and other dogs respond well to reward training while leash/collar training does not work at all. Fortunately, the majority of dogs fall somewhere in between.

One of the more popular methods of reward training currently is clicker training. While clicker training does not work for every dog, it can still be a highly useful method of training dogs. The way clicker training works is by teaching to associate a clicking sound with a positive reinforcement, such as a treat. When the dog does something well, the trainer reacts by clicking the clicker, then immediately offering the dog a treat. In time, the dog learns to react to the clicker only.

In reward training the most common type of treat is a food reward. Almost always, complex tricks or behaviors can only be taught using this type of reinforcement. In fact, trainers who train dogs for movies and television use food-based reward training almost totally.

Reward training is used for all types of dog training, including for police and military work. The majority of training in scent detection and tracking utilize a kind of reward training. You can also use reward training in teaching the basic dog training commands.

In reward training a lure is frequently employed to entice the dog into a desired position or stance. The lure helps to convince the dog to perform the sought after behavior of his own volition.

Getting the dog to carry out a behavior without being handled is important. The point of the training, in fact, is to get the dog to execute a behavior without any handling by the trainer.

Once the dog has carried out the commanded behavior, he is rewarded with a positive reinforcement, such as a food treat. Treats are often used in order to reinforce good behaviors, but other positive reinforcements, such as verbal praise, can also be used for reinforcement.

It is important that a reward-trained dog also be a reliable dog. If a dog is trained to do a job, such as police work or drug detection, outside distractions are to be expected. Therefore it is important to train the dog to work and be focused around diversions, as well as to socialize him with other animals and people.

Sometimes dog trainers only train the dog inside the house or back yard, only when the owner is there, free of distractions. It is important to take the dog outside of his comfort zone and introduced to new people and situations.

It is also important that the dog be trained to pay attention to the handler always. When the owner has the complete attention of the dog, he has complete control of the dog. When executed correctly, reward training is a very effective training method that helps to earn the respect and the attention of the dog.

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If you would like to learn more about dog training visit

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Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Basics Of Dog Training, Teach Them To Your Dog Before It's Too Late

Quite a few people think that dog training is high jumps, through tunnels, up and down a tilting board, but in reality there's so much more to it than that.

All dog training must begin with the basic fundamentals, before a dog can go on to bigger and better things, he must be taught the basic dog training techniques, like sit, lie down and stay. Naturally the first thing any house puppy should be taught is to be housebroken, whether to paper or to the out doors is your option.

The fancy tricks should be kept until afterwards, much later, down the road. To teach your dog these dog training tips and basic techniques are a lot more crucial than jumping through blazing hoops or walking on the hind legs carrying a parasol!

Remember that when you are training your dog is like going to school all over again. Training your dog is all about communicating with your pet, therefore to be effective when training him you need to learn how to best communicate with your dog. There are many so called, dog trainers out there and many different dog training methods, but you need to be careful when choosing the method you are going to use. You want a method that focus on positive reinforcement for your dog and not on punishment or negative reinforcement.

Training a dog is not only directed toward puppies, it also has a role on adult dog training, and a very important one. When adopting an adult dog, new owners have not idea of the dog behavioral history, and when they realized that their dog has more than one behavioral problem, they need to consider training their dog. Many dog owners think that because their dog is older than he won’t learn, but reality is that he probably will, it might just take a little longer.

Dogs and humans were made to share with each other, humans and dogs alike eat meat, hunt, play and live in social groups, (remember that dogs were primitively wolves, which have a very strong pack mindset).

Both not only desire but have a great call for leadership in their structured societies. Wolves never had to deal with (until recently) the terrors that our dogs deal with on a day-after-day basis, like cars, motor cycles, etc. This is when the basic training of stay could very well save your dog's life if he is across the road in the park and a car is barreling toward him.

Wild dogs appear to be really savage while teaching their young, while in fact they're extremely diligent, rarely loosing their tempers as they teach their young to make it in the wild.

Each thing they're instructed, whether through play or teaching, leads to their ability to hunt and uprise in their surroundings. We want to train our dogs in the same manner; it's never acceptable to be violent while training your dog, violence and anger from your part will only teaches violence and anger to your dog.

In retrospect, love and patience teaches love and patience, these are both things we desire our dogs to learn. Training is the foundation for a dog that everyone enjoys being close to, and it helps you develop a happy and healthy dog.

About the Author
Increase the happy years of your dog by checking out my free e-book. In it I reveal all the secrets I've used to develop a happy, healthier dog. Visit Dr. Alfonso's dog training blog right now…

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Basic Bird Dog Training Commands and Tips

It often surprises us when we see well trained bird dogs in action. Obeying the commands of their owners, bird dogs do their work in an exemplary manner. We often wonder how bird dog training can produce such results, getting the dogs to be so cooperative.

If you put a lot of work in it, it can be done.

There are a number of dog breeds that are well suited for becoming great bird dogs. A good start would be teaching them to obey your commands. Before dogs can understand what people are telling them, they need to learn the language first. In this basic variant of training, dogs need to understand the three main commands: “come!”, “whoa!” and “heel!”. These commands need to be mastered by the owner as well.

The “Whoa!” Command

The “whoa!” command is the first thing bird dogs need to learn. By learning this, they can understand when they're being told to stop, without moving again unless he's being ordered to do it. Obeying this command shows that the dog respects his master and that he is obedient. If you want to test whether a dog is completely obedient, you should try giving the “whoa!” order at larger distances. This way you're sure that he will listen to you even when the command is not enforced by the immediate presence of the master.

You can also use the “whoa!” command to control dogs that get out of hand, trying to flush a bird on their own or play with it. If their master wants the dog to stop what he's doing, he can use this command to make him stop. Ideally, the command and the obedience should be rewarded by the master.

The “Come!” Command

The purpose of the “come!” command is to make the dog come to the owner when they hear it. It's quite easy to use this command. In the case of a bird dog, it's much easier to make him come to you with the thing he retrieved, if he understands this command. A lot of dogs are more independent and go do their own thing. Using the “come!” command you can keep him at a good distance from you.

The “Heel!” Command

When you want to make sure that your dog will walk by your side, and not wander away, the “heel!” command can be used to get this effect. You can teach him an additional command, like "go" or "okay" to let him know that he is released, and can return to hunting with you.

Whenever the dog performed well, never fail to give him a tap, a treat or a praise to acknowledge his performance. Fine dogs are born with the instinct to please their owners. If you can let your dog see that he is pleasing you with his performance and you want him to repeat it, the best thing you can do is to reward him. Overtime, he will learn to repeat the same desirable action so long as you allow him to.

Each time the dog does what you ask of him, make sure you reward him either with a treat, a tap or a praise, to let him know that he did well. The best dogs are those that have an instinct when it comes to pleasing their masters. You should let the dog know that you are pleased with what he's doing, and that he should do the same in the future. The best way you can let him know is by rewarding him.

Doing bird dog training is quite hard. If it was easy, you would see a lot more bird dogs around. Still, if you want to make a good bird hunter out of your dog, make sure you invest the patience and the time needed to teach him the three commands that stand at the basis of bird dog training.

About the Author

Visit DoggyBehave.Com for more dog behavior training articles and dog training books. Read also our review of Dove Cresswell'sdog training book.

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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Dog Training Collar Helps Modify Behaviors

A dog's behavior can be modified by many methods, but the three tools most often used are a dog training collar. They are most often used for barking, confinement or general behavior and each dog training collar is designed with each different behavior in mind. For example, for barking, a small box built into the collar will give the animal a slight shock when it barks. It does not take long for the dog to realize that when they do not bark, they do not get shocked.

This aversion to pain, although the shock is slight are will not cause physical harm, it does get the dog's attention that it is doing something unwanted. Similarly, confinement training with an invisible fence, will give the animal a shock once it passes a certain boundary in the yard. The dog training collar is placed on the dog and a wire buried underground emits low-level electricity much like an above-ground electric fence used for cattle.

When the fence is buried, many people place flags in the ground marking the boundary helping the dog to recognize the invisible line that when crossed will result in an electric shock. Over a short time, once the animal learns where the boundary is located, users can generally turn off power to the fence and even turn off the dog training collar. As long as the dog feels the collar the typically will not cross the boundary line, having learned where the invisible line is located.

Off-Site Behavior Modification Methods dog training collar

There may be reasons when an invisible fence is not possible, such as living in an apartment or and electrical connection is not available for the fence. Another dog training collar is equipped with a remote control that sends out a signal to the collar to jolt the animal whenever behavior does meet the owner's expectation.

For example, if you take the dog for a walk without a leash and the dog is to stay within certain confines, whenever it strays from the area a push on the remote control sends out a light shock to bring the dog back into the desired area. This type of dog training collar can also be used for other behaviors, such as digging in the yard or jumping up on neighbors or guests. When the animal begin unacceptable behaviors, the light shock can cause them to stop.

The owner should never use the remote for “fun" or allow children access to the remote as inconsistent use, or unnecessary use can cause the dog to misbehave and even rebel against the user of the collar.

About The Author:
My name is Roland Parris Jefferson III and I'm an online publisher working out of Santa Monica, California. You can find the latest information and news on dog training by visiting my Dog Training Supplies Resource.
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Training Your Dog the Right Way

A lot of dog owners want to train their dogs either for housebreaking or competition purposes. There are many advantages to training your dog. Well trained dogs are easier to take care of. And you can also use the pet for several purposes other than merely making it your best friend.

If you train your dog right, you will be able to use your pet as a guard dog, a helper, or even a sled runner, if you must.

Here are tips when training your dog:

1. Establish a good dog-owner relationship with your pet.

You have to establish trust with your pet. Only through this you will be able to teach your dog some tricks. Don’t worry. Dogs are naturally trusting animals, especially if their masters are good to them. It is quite easy to establish trust with your pet. You just have to feed it right, give it treats, and play with it from time to time.

2. Build confidence and control.

Control is very important. Control means directing your dog to do the things it is supposed to do and make it stop doing things it shouldn’t. You can control your dog with the use of strict words. Strict doesn’t mean harsh. Know the difference between the two. When you give commands to your pet, be sure that you’re firm enough and stand by it.

3. Make your dog happy and outgoing.

A happy dog is a lot easier to train. It is the same with people. If you’re in a good mood, you are more likely to do things right. The disposition is the same with your pet. Strive to keep your dog happy so that any day becomes a good day for training. An outgoing dog is a free-spirited dog. These are the dogs that can be ideally trained.

4. Know your dog’s natural drives.

Your dog has its own natural pleasure and drives. Make sure that you know what these are so you can use it to your advantage. Dogs can easily be trained if you use their natural instincts. With the right motivation, the entire dog training process can be a jiffy.

5. Don’t use cruelty when training.

Cruelty doesn’t work well with pets. Never use harsh punishments or cruelty when teaching your dog anything. Dogs would trust you less if you hurt it. This won’t help you at all. It is best that you use firm but doting words instead. Dogs would easily be trained if it is not subjected to harsh elements.

Training your dog is quite a job. Keep in mind that everything can’t be achieved overnight. It can’t even be done in a week either. You have to be very patient. This means that you have to know your dog’s limit. This way, you’ll be able to groom and train your pet in the right manner. There would be trial and errors in the whole process. Be sure that you are mentally and physically fit for the challenge.

About the Author

Visit DoggyBehave.Com for more dog behavior training tips and dog training articles. Read also our article on dog toilet training.

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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Helpful Labrador Training Tips

If you want to have a dependable and obedient Labrador, then Labrador training should not be taken for granted for it is only through proper Labrador training that you can truly enjoy having a Labrador Retriever as an additional member of your family. Despite their reputation as a very mellow pets, Labradors can be quite problematic if not handled and trained properly.

To help Labrador owners with their Labrador training, below are some tips useful to achieve successful Labrador training:

The alpha position in the pack.
Having descended from wolves, dogs thrive in packs. In wild settings, the strongest one often assumes the leadership role. But since they are in family setting, you must convince your Lab of the people pack, and you as the owner must assume the role of the alpha, the leader of the pack. Failure to do so would mean losing control over your four-legged friend.

Before the basic.
Labrador training should start early, about a week or two after a puppy is born. This early training however, doesn't involve training the basic commands such as sit, stay and so on. Training at this stage of a puppy's life should focus on simple associations and later on socialization when the puppy is around three weeks old. Socialization period includes social investigation, playful fighting and playful sexual behavior. These things are essential to help puppy develop social relationship as he grows.

The basic training.
At around eight weeks of age, puppies can start learning the basic obedience commands such as sit, stay, down or come. Other tricks can also be taught depending on the dog's stamina, concentration and physical coordination.

Communication is the tool.
What better tool can help owners with their dog training than good communication? It is the owner or the handler's responsibility to communicate to the dog what behaviors are correct, desired or acceptable and what behaviors are undesirable and should be avoided. If the handler/owner cannot communicate with the dog, he will not know that the dog is confused, happy, nervous and so on. The emotional state of the dog is important in Labrador training.

Appropriate training method.
There are various methods in training a dog, the most widely used is the positive training method. This method means using reward to increase good behavior that is being exhibited. Advocates of positive training method believe that this method should be applied rather than punishing a dog physically in the hopes of decreasing bad behavior. But if your dog doesn't respond to positive training quite well, then you should try other training methods.

About the Author/Author Bio

Richard Cussons has written articles of various breeds including Labrador Retriever. Discover tips on Labrador dog training at Article Source:
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Thursday, February 12, 2009

Dog Training Pads - A Must Have For Your Dog

Any dog lover would want to have his pet inside the house. Having to share each activity and experience inside the house with your dog makes the owner happy and a lot less lonely. Unfortunately, bringing the dog in would also mean bringing in the dog poop and urine.

That is why most dog owners make sure that their dog is potty trained at the soonest time possible. This is where dog training pads come in handy.

These pads are necessary if your floors are carpeted and hard to clean and maintain, or if you have babies and toddlers crawling just about everywhere. Just the same, even if your floors are easy to clean, you wouldn’t want to step on anything gooey, right?

A training pad is made of an absorbent material to hold dog waste and urine. The thick surface is treated with some scent which, when sensed by your pet, will make him defecate or pee on it instead of some other place.

This means that the dog’s waste shall only be confined to the pad, except if there will be leaks. The owner shall then regularly check and clean the pad to maintain an odor-free household.

To maximize the use of these pads, keep it in one particular spot of the house. This is usually placed in the kitchen or near the bathroom, for easier and faster clean ups in case of leaks and other accidents. Place it in a particular spot and lead your dog to it.

These pads often have a scent which sends signals to the dog, instructing him to pee in that location. So the next time that he feels like excreting anything, he shall only do so in the pad and not anywhere.
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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Choker Chain Dog Training

Choker Chain Dog Training has received some bad press in the past. This is because people simply do not know how to use a Choker Chain correctly. Using a Choker is NOT as some say, cruel.

In fact it is the opposite. A Choker or Check Chain puts even pressure all the way around your Dogs neck, unlike a conventional Collar and Lead arrangement where al pressure is put on the Windpipe of your Dog when pulled.

Choker Chain Dog Training Made Easy

There are a few important things to know when using a Check Chain for Dog Training.

Ensure you have the right Chain for your Dog. Large Dogs need heavyweight Chains and smaller Dogs need very lightweight Chains
Never keep the Chain pulled tight so your Dog is constantly short of breath
Never use too much force, Chokers can be dangerous if you use excessive force
If in doubt seek expert Training advice

A few simple points but everyone would do well to bear them in mind. Chokers are a great way to keep more control over your Dog when used effectively. They will quickly stop your Dog from pulling on the Leash and in a very short space of time your Dog should be walking to heel beside you without needed to be constantly reminded.

Choker Chain Dog Training Techniques

Once learnt, the techniques to safely use a Choker are incredibly easily. Below are the basic methods involved.

Ensure your Choker Chain is SHORT! This gives you much more control. You want minimal length so your Dog cannot put its weight behind it if it tries to pull
When your Dog begins to pull, give a quick "snap" of the Chain whilst simultaneously pulling back to your side
You will also be giving the "heel" command at the same time
These actions must be done simultaneously (this is important)
Repeat each time your Dog starts to pull
The snap should be quick. Less than a few seconds
Praise your Dog when it performs how you want it to
Praise goes a long way in training your Dog to behave well
Repeat and keep repeating

Training a Dog will never happen overnight. It takes time and patience. You MUST stay calm when involved in Dog Training. There is no magic formula. Repetition is the key to success.

A Choker will dramatically cut the time taken to a wel "heeled" Dog but you must practice and practice again.

Hopefully these tips will see you with a wel behaved Dog in a much shorter space of time. As with all Dog training if you are in any doubt about performing tasks correctly seek out advice from a qualified Trainer.

By: Dave Tee

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Training Your Dog the Right Way

A lot of dog owners want to train their dogs either for housebreaking or competition purposes. There are many advantages to training your dog. Well trained dogs are easier to take care of. And you can also use the pet for several purposes other than merely making it your best friend. If you train your dog right, you will be able to use your pet as a guard dog, a helper, or even a sled runner, if you must.

Here are tips when training your dog:

1. Establish a good dog-owner relationship with your pet.

You have to establish trust with your pet. Only through this you will be able to teach your dog some tricks. Don't worry. Dogs are naturally trusting animals, especially if their masters are good to them. It is quite easy to establish trust with your pet. You just have to feed it right, give it treats, and play with it from time to time.

2. Build confidence and control.

Control is very important. Control means directing your dog to do the things it is supposed to do and make it stop doing things it shouldn't. You can control your dog with the use of strict words. Strict doesn't mean harsh. Know the difference between the two. When you give commands to your pet, be sure that you're firm enough and stand by it.

3. Make your dog happy and outgoing.

A happy dog is a lot easier to train. It is the same with people. If you're in a good mood, you are more likely to do things right. The disposition is the same with your pet. Strive to keep your dog happy so that any day becomes a good day for training. An outgoing dog is a free-spirited dog. These are the dogs that can be ideally trained.

4. Know your dog's natural drives.

Your dog has its own natural pleasure and drives. Make sure that you know what these are so you can use it to your advantage. Dogs can easily be trained if you use their natural instincts. With the right motivation, the entire dog training process can be a jiffy.

5. Don't use cruelty when training.

Cruelty doesn't work well with pets. Never use harsh punishments or cruelty when teaching your dog anything. Dogs would trust you less if you hurt it. This won't help you at all. It is best that you use firm but doting words instead. Dogs would easily be trained if it is not subjected to harsh elements.

Training your dog is quite a job. Keep in mind that everything can't be achieved overnight. It can't even be done in a week either. You have to be very patient. This means that you have to know your dog's limit. This way, you'll be able to groom and train your pet in the right manner. There would be trial and errors in the whole process. Be sure that you are mentally and physically fit for the challenge.

About The Author:
Visit DoggyBehave.Com for more dog behavior training tips and dog training articles.
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Friday, February 6, 2009

Dog Training Methods Produce Results

Dog training methods differ from one trainer to another, but they are all intended to produce results. Expert professionals for example, use dog training methods so these wonderful animals will not make messes in the home. They also use their dog training methods so a dog will learn to obey their owners. Different methods are used for different kinds of training, for example to stop a dog from being aggressive, or to stop a dog from barking when they shouldn't. Some dogs get in the habit of just barking for no reason, but dog training methods will make sure that a dog knows this is not appropriate behavior. Dog training methods should provide each owner with a dog that behaves properly in all circumstances, especially the ones important to their owners.

One dog training method commonly used, is to provide treats when the dog demonstrates acceptable behavior. This signals to the dog that the trainer approves of the behavior. If a dog is supposed to sit, the trainer will make this command. If the dog sits on the command, the trainer gives the dog some kind of a treat. If the dog does not sit, the trainer often repeats the command and provides some guidance to the dog. When the dog eventually follows the command, the trainer gives the dog a treat to reinforce this good behavior.

Some Dog Training Methods Have Different Tools

Some dog training methods use some specific tools to help the dog demonstrate appropriate behavior. The clicker method is a very interesting method that some trainers believe in wholeheartedly. This dog training method uses only positive reinforcement of good behavior and never any punishment for bad behavior. Owners can use this method at home once the technique is learned, and a clicker can be found at most pet shops.

Many expert trainers of marine animals such as whales use this method. The trainer makes the click when the dog does something right and then gives the dog a treat. The dog comes to associate the clicker with a treat and tries to repeat the good behavior to hear the click again along with a treat.

Some trainers use negative reinforcement to train their dogs, but many people think that this method is not very effective because the dog will only behave properly if the trainer is present. This means that a dog may learn to stop chewing on the couch if the trainer is present, but if the trainer is not present, the dog will chew on the couch. Many dog trainers avoid this type of training because they believe that this is not very helpful for the dog or the owner. However, you'll need to make sure and create a list of questions important to you when looking for a dog trainer, to ensure you choose the right fit.

About The Author:
Roland Parris Jefferson III conducts his research out of Santa Monica, California. You'll find much more information on dog training by visiting my Police Dog Training Resource.
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Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Police Dog Training Is Essential To Get The Best Out Of The Dog's Natural Abilities

Police dog training is important to get the police dog to perform its assigned role that includes prevention of crime as well as going on operational patrols. In addition, police dogs need to track as well as search for criminals from scenes of crime because police dogs are more effective than a single police officer as it is able to scent humans from many hundred yards away, and they can also search areas that are inaccessible to humans.

Many Different Roles That A Police Dog Has To Perform

Police dog training also involves teaching the police dog to be able to recover articles from the scene of the crime as well as provides help in locating missing persons. Police dogs should also be trained to handle disturbances and it has been found that one police dog is as good as having ten police officers. Also, the police dog can be used in search and rescue operations and is especially useful in searching out explosives as well as drugs.

Police dog training also requires carefully selecting both the dog as well as its handler that should combine well so that necessary skills are imparted and developed to best levels possible. Handlers need to undergo tough physical as well as mental courses and they should learn everything from legislation to veterinary practices as well as canine psychology.

While the handler is police training the dog there is sure to be a very close bond develop between the two and the training involves harnessing the instinctive behavior of the dog and combining it with positive reinforcement. In addition, the natural abilities of the dog must be identified as well as encouraged and improved upon. The essence of police dog training is to encourage the dog to put its instinctive drive whenever commanded to do so into a controlled situation

It is also usual for police dog training to involve constant rewards and praise being given to the dog which should help strengthen its work ethic because the dog puts in much hard work. Good food, care, exercise as well as protection are other facets of police dog training all of which helps impart the best training to the dog. Control, efficiency as well as safety are other essential parts of police dog training.

A dog has the instinct to please the pack leader and for police dog training the dog handler plays this role. It is his or her responsibility to get the most out of the natural abilities of the dog and most training exercises revolve around this aspect of police dog training.

About The Author:
My name is Roland Parris Jefferson III and I'm a researcher for the online community working out of lovely Santa Monica, California. For more facts, tips and tricks covering Dog Training, please visit my Police Dog Training Online Guide.
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Monday, February 2, 2009

Basic Dog Obedience - How to Get Started With Dog Training

Basic dog obedience training is one of the most important areas of every dog's development. Training your puppy during their early stage of development can assure you that you would have a well-trained dog when he grows up. But the question is - when do is the best time to train your dog?

There is no exact answer to this question. Dog obedience training is an ongoing and continuous process. It would be best to start training your dog when they're still a puppy.

A dog's brain development starts as early as seven weeks from his birth. Pet owners can immediately observe a dog's basic behavior pattern at the dog's age of 7-16 weeks.

One of the aspects of basic dog obedience is house training. You should be able to train your dog how to behave accordingly inside the house. These include aggressiveness control and chew training.

The very fist thing that your pet dog should respond to is his name. So make sure that you call on his name during the entire length of your dog training. Your pet dog should also develop a sense of response to basic commands like "stay", "come" and "sit".

Simple obedience training would do. Avoid threatening your dogs physically. You don't want your dogs to grow up in a harsh environment.

Dog training can be done for about 15-30 minutes each day. You can allot 3-5 minute each session. Give your dog a "reward", pat his head or show your affection to him whenever he follow your command. Remember that its take some patience when training your dog. Just like a kid, a puppy's attention span is relatively low.

If you are eager to get started with basic dog obedience training, there are a number of dog training programs that you can adapt. Remember that each dog breed has certain requirements for training.

Always be creative and find ways to liven up and make your training sessions enjoyable for you and your dog.

Are you at your wits end in your dog training crusade? If you are sick and tired of your furry friend's wrong doings, and are looking for a guide to cure his bad habits once and for all, then you need to click here - Basic Dog Obedience.

For impartial reviews of the most outstanding dog reports in the industry, you can't afford not to click here - Basic Dog Obedience.

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