Friday, May 29, 2009

Dog Training - Dog Bathing

Dog bathing is a must when living with a dog. Dogs naturally get smelly and are not like cats in being able to wash themselves well and be hygienic, this is why dog owners have to look after their dogs hygiene for them once in a while.

Dog bathing should take place when your dog starts to smell or is very dirty, some breeds of dog find it very hard to keep smelling pretty as you will quickly come to notice. Running around every day rubbing yourself up against trees, bushes, benches and rolling around on grass or getting drenched head to paws in rivers or puddles are all common occurrences in a dogs life and all contribute to dog smelliness.

It is important to make sure you brush your dogs coat and fur through before every bathing session to remove all bits of debris that may have got caught up in your dog’s fur since their last bath along with tangles or matted hair that may have formed. If you ignore this step any tangles and matted hair will get worse after bathing and make it an impossible task to rid of them.

You will need to use special pet shampoo and conditioner to clean your dog; human shampoo uses a different ph level and can be bad for your dog’s skin. Starting off by letting your dog get used to running water, warm water should be used to wash your dog, it is best to use a jug or container to gently pour water on your dog. Be sure not to put water directly on your dogs face to be sure not to frighten them off or scare them.

When your dog is wet, keep reassuring them and rewarding them if the behaviour is good to get the message across that bathing is not a bad thing. Rub the shampoo and conditioner onto your dog gently and being sure to do a proper job of getting all the smells and everything else out.

To finish off, rinse all the soapy water and shampoo of your dog and dry your dog in the same way you would yourself or if your dog has easily matted hair use patting only to dry your dog, when this is all done reward your dog with praise and rewards for being cooperative with you.

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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Best Dog Training Books

Why is it that my neighbor can't seem to figure out that when he locked his untrained payout and goes off to work all day that the dog does nothing to bark, bark and bark. What an idiot, a neighbor I mean, not that the dog. I don't plan a little puppy, how is he supposed to know better? He barks out of loneliness, out of frustration, out of anxiety, and out of fear. Occasionally he barks to protect his territory, pitiful as it is with its leftover poop, a water bowl turned over, and a single ratty chew toy the dog outgrew the first week it was brought to the house. I wonder if this moron has ever heard of dog-training books? I know I'm about ready to clue him in.

When your fat freak of a self gets home, you enter your house—to the barking—and take your sweet time (to eat) before retrieving your supposedly beloved pet. Then you take the were animal off and sequester it into some room or he is once again all alone. Instead of paying an idiot and doing the dog a great disservice you could be reading one of the many EASY-to-comprehend dog-training books, and teach that beautiful little animal how to cope with daily life.

He is after all just a baby. You could be surfing or or another of the hundreds of Internet bookshops for dog-training books. They number in the thousands. That will show you how to condition your dog not to bark at every living being and every leaf that happens to fall from a tree. No, you fat ignoramus, is not a place to find amazons to amuse you, and is not a play on words for closet masochists. This is about the dog, not you. If it were we would be talking to the dog—who clearly has a great deal more sense than you apparently do.

In fact, you could read at least one of the thousands of general and specific dog-training books to understand WHY your poor little puppy needs to be treated. HOW you can keep him from chewing furniture (so you don’t have an excuse anymore for why you lock him away outside so he won’t bother you but the neighbors instead). We need to get up and go to work too. The constant barking doesn't do anyone any good. If you can't handle owning a dog then maybe you should find a more hospitable home for it.

We chose to be dog-less. You have made a choice…now take some damned responsibility for it. By some dog-training books and read them, put them into action. You may even be well served by some damned human-training books. The problem lies with you, not the dog.

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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Training A Sled Dog

Information about sled dogs and how they are trained.

Sled dogs are a group of dogs that are used to pull a vehicle that has no wheels but is set on runners over terrains of ice and snow. Sled dogs are attached to these vehicles by harnesses and lines. It is said that the origins of sled dogs can be traced back to Siberia as the people that live there have a long history of nomadic travel due to rather harsh winters.

There are certain breeds of dogs that are synonymous with being sled dogs. These dogs being Huskies and Malamutes although just about any medium sized dog would be suitable to be a sled dog.

Dogs that are selected to be sled dogs need to exhibit three main qualities. First of all they need to be in peak physical condition and be able to pull a sled, they need to have the endurance to be able to pull a sled over sometimes great distances and they need to have the speed in order to do the task of pulling the sled quickly. There are many teams of sled dogs that have been able to travel over one hundred miles in a twenty four hour period of time.

Teams of sled dogs can range from three dogs to a team of two dozen dogs. Sled dog teams not only pull several different types of sleds for racing and other transporting purposes they have also been known to pull skiers when there is little to no snow.

Pups that are being trained to be sled dogs are weaned from their mother as soon as possible in order to shift their attentions to their musher. They are at about six weeks old shifted from their mother into their own pen in order to accomplish this.

When pups that are being trained to be sled dogs are around five months old they are already running around with the lope that is characteristic of a sled dog and is also the time when they are first introduced to a harness.

There are many methods in which pups learn to be sled dogs. A very common method is to harness up to a dozen pups behind a pair of experienced older sled dogs and control the speed that they go with the use of an atv. The speed that the older dogs are allowed to go is gradually increased as the pups’ endurance and strength continues to increase.

People are amazed that sled dogs are so excited to be able to pull a sled over long periods of time and generally over very rough terrain. Mushers can attribute this to the very early interactions that they have with the pups that builds such a strong relationship between themselves and the dogs so very early in their lives.

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Sunday, May 24, 2009

The Dont's Of Training Your Dog

The dogs behavior is truly adapted to the needs of humans. The dog is unquestioning and reliable in both giving and receiving affection. The most important thing we must remember as the master is to be the one to dominate and not to be dominated. If your dog is submissive to you he will give respect and affection and will learn with the proper training to respond to your commands.

There are a few guidelines that we must follow to have a healthy relationship with our dogs.

1. Don't let the dog sit on the furniture or your lap. In doing so we show the dog that he is the dominant one. The higher he is, the more dominant he thinks he is.

2. Don't feed your dog scraps of food from the table. Don't give him food that you have eaten. In the wild, only the subordinate dogs share their food. Feeding your dog human food also starts the bad habit of begging. There is nothing worse than eating your meal and having your dog begging beside you.

3. Don't let your dog sleep on the bed with you. If you do, it will think that it can dominate you. Once again, in the wild only subordinate dogs share their beds.

4. If you feed your dog at the same time that you eat, make sure you eat first. This act shows the dog that you are the dominate one in the relationship not him.

5. Always make your dog move out of the way for you. Never step over the dog to get where you are going. Make the dog move.

6. Don't allow your dog to barge through a doorway before you. Stop and turn to your dog and tell him to BACK UP. When he does, open the door and allow him out.

7. Don't allow your dog to jump up on you. No one likes a dog that is constantly jumping up scratching your legs. Dogs have a need to get in your face. Lift your knee so that when he jumps he will come in contact with your knee and not your chest. Tell him DOWN and continue that until the behavior you are looking for begins.

8. Don't ever hit your dog. The best way to correct your pet is to catch him in the act and shake him firmly by the scruff of the neck. Most pups will stop what they are doing once they are startled. Shaking the scruff of the neck is what their mothers do to discipline so this is a natural way for you to achieve your goals.

9. If you come upon an accident that has already occurred, count it your mistake! Take your pup to his crate so that he does not see you cleaning up the mess.

Having a dog as a pet can be a very rewarding experience not only for you but for your family as well. Having the proper training insures that the dog will have a lasting place in your family. Think of your dog as a member of a pack. He must be the subordinate member not you.

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Thursday, May 21, 2009

Training An Agressive Dog

Dogs are a man’s best friend. That has always been the belief ever since. Why not? Because of their care, loyalty and sweetness to their owners, people will have a hard time not loving them.

Unfortunately for some dog owners and some people, the dog becomes their worst enemy. Just imagine the life of the mail man. The mail man has been always portrayed in movies or cartoons as a biting post of dogs. This is not a stupid joke. I have a n uncle who worked as a mail man and got bitten by a dog.

In fact, there are more people aside from mailmen that get victimized by dog bites. Every year there are 4.7 million people that get bitten by dogs. Among the 4.7 million people that get bitten, 17% needs medical attention. Also, 10-20% of tragic bite victims are killed by dog bites.

Since this has been a growing problem, certain breeds have been banned in some U.S. states. Here are the top 10 breeds that cause dog bites in no particular order. Rottweilers, pit bulls, huskies, German shepherds, Dobermans, malamutes, St. Bernards, chow chows, Akitas and Great Danes.

The dog’s behavior of being aggressive or non-aggressive greatly depends on the owner’s responsibility and training of the dog. Here are several steps that the owners can take to make their dog safe around other people.

• Make your puppy have social interaction with other dogs and people after it gets vaccinated. This will help the puppy feel that other dogs and humans are not threatening. The puppy will then learn to be friendlier. Bring the puppy to the park, pet store or even puppy classes.

• Spraying or neutering the dog will greatly help reduce the risk. When the dog is neutered some of its territorial instincts like territorial aggression are reduced. Most fatal dog bites (80%) are caused by non-neutered male dogs. So trying to neuter your aggressive male dog will help keep it safe around other people.

• Always remember to restrain your dog when interacting with strangers or in a public place. You can’t predict your dog’s behavior even though you may say that it’s really friendly. Try to restrain him with a leash when in a public place. Also prevent strangers from interacting with the dog because the stranger might startle him or her. When leaving the dog alone in your yard, remember to enclose him on a fence that will be suitable for its size.

• It is the dog’s nature to bite anything, so training it to not bite anything will greatly help. Distraction will work on a dog when it is biting anyone. Try to make a quick sound such as a clap or saying “ow”. After, make the dog chew the chew toy. It will greatly help in training if the dog is rewarded when biting the right stuff.

• Always watch your dog’s behavior. When the dog is really aggressive and can’t be trained, get help from the vet.

Being able to follow these things can help prevent the risk of your dog to society. Instead of becoming public enemy number 1 it could be America’s sweetheart. So be a responsible owner.

Important NoticeDISCLAIMER: All information, content, and data in this article are sole opinions and/
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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Guard Dog Training

A guard dog is usually trained to protect against unwanted or unforeseen visits from people or animals. A guard dog will restrain or attack an intruder if the intruder gets into the territory that the dog is guarding. A watch dog, on the other hand, would only give warning barks at an intruder coming within its range. Guard dog training may train a dog to do either of these two extremes and anywhere in between.

Popular guard dog breeds include Doberman Pinschers and German Shepherd Dogs. These breeds are very good candidates for guard dog duty due to their innate instinct to guard. Guard dogs must be brave, intelligent and committed to work. The instincts of these dogs must be carefully known to ensure they can still be controlled when necessary. After all, no one wants to be around a guard dog that's out of control.

Guard dog training takes careful planning and implementation. The drive and bite must be taught. Obedience and commands must always be enforced so that the dog knows when to guard and when to take it easy.

There are different types of guard dog training. There are also different levels depending on what needs to be guarded. Guard dog training also depends on how you want your guard dog to react to different situations he may encounter. You may train a guard dog to secure a particular area, may it be your house, place of business, property, or livestock, or simply to keep valuables secured.

Guard dog trainng should only be administered to a dog once he has undergone basic dog obedience training. Dog obedience training is your dog's foundation for guard duty. The better the obedience training your dog gets, the more quickly and efficiently he will be in catching on to guard dog training.

In guard dog training, it is crucial that you teach your dog to keep itself indifferent to other dogs (especially those of the opposite sex), as well as cats and mice. These distractions can cause your dog to lose focus and neglect his duty. You should also hone the dog's barking skills. Barking is your dog's way of alerting you when there is an intruder. The barking is also an attempt to scare away would-be intruders. However, if barking doesn't deter the intruder, a guard dog is trained to attack or restrain.

There are different training courses for taught in guard dog training schools, all of which are tailored depending on the amount of protection you feel you need. The simplest course of guard dog training involves testing the dog for his temperament, in addition to training him with good watch dog skills. The next level may involve drive and bite work, while the most intensive courses train the dog to protect individuals and families, and are also taught how to attack and subdue intruders.

The objective of these courses is to make your dog confident, courageous and powerful. Guard dog training also establishes in your dog a passion to protect you, your family and/or your property.

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Monday, May 18, 2009

Dog Training - Dog Comfort

Dog comfort is a big issue for your dog and getting it wrong can cause your dog to be grumpy, aggravated more easily, and in a worse state of health than if they sleep in a more adequate place, but what is perfect sleeping conditions for your dog?

Much research has been done on the way dogs sleep and what they find more comfortable and where it is best for it to be, but in this article we will only cut out the uninteresting bits and give you the best requirements for your dog.

Your dog will sleep an average of 11-12 hours a day, and as they get older that number will increase more because older dogs need more time to regain their energy back. If your dog isn’t getting enough sleep it may be because you’re not doing one of the following requirements of a dogs sleeping comfort.

To begin, the chosen area needs to be well away from drafts and doorways which could cause drafts and cold air to circulate around your dog, if your dog is cold any muscle and joint pains they have will worsen and make it hard for your dog to sleep.

For padding, you should ensure a really soft space that will help to support the body fully. Use a cushion or lots of blankets to make the padding, to again help any aching joint problems and give maximum support and sleep comfort to your dog.

The last issue is the placing of your dogs bed, dogs need to be easily accessible for the family to care for them, but they don’t like to have their routines broken all the time so keeping the dog bed in the same place is essential to keep you dog happy, if the dog bed is always moved it will cause them to be uncomfortable in their new surroundings and be overly aware of unfamiliar noises.

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Sunday, May 17, 2009

3 Things You Should Know About Servie Dog Training

There are many factors to take into consideration before attempting service dog training. The following article will take a look at several of the main considerations one should ponder before choosing the right dog to meet their needs and service dog training.

1. Temperament of the Dog

It is very important before service dog training to determine the temperament of the dog. Not everyone knows how to successfully read a dog's temperament, so if you are unsure of the dog's temperament, you should seek advice from someone who can determine it with assurance before choosing the dog for service dog training. Depending on what purposes you will need your service dog will to provide will determine what temperament of dog you should select for service dog training. Another factor to take into consideration when deciding which temperament of dog to select for service dog training is the type of environments the dog will be exposed to, and how social the dog will be expected to be.

2. Your Compatibility With the Dog

Millions of dogs a year end up in local dog pounds because they are not compatible with their owners. It is best to do some research and determine what breed of dog will be most compatible with you before selecting one for service dog training. For example, if you are a quiet person, and like things to be quiet, you may not want to choose a breed of dog known to be extremely vocal for service dog training. On the other hand, if you will need for your service dog to be vocal, you may not want to choose a breed of dog, for service dog training, who tend to be a quiet breed.

3. Health of the Dog

When choosing a dog for service dog training, the health of the dog is vital. It is a good practice to have the dog's hips and elbows x-rayed, to ensure their proper formation. The dog's eyes should also be tested before service dog training, to ensure his sight. It is also good to have the dog's thyroid tested, and watch for seizures in the dog. Remember, an unhealthy dog is not likely to work at his highest potential during service dog training. Discomfort in the dog will sometimes lead to abnormal behavior in the dog.

There are many other factors you should take into consideration before choosing a dog for service dog training, but this will be a good start. Researching, and doing your homework is very important in choosing the dog that will be right for you.

About the Author

Service Dog Training and Puppy Training product reviews so you know you are only teaching your dog the very best techniques.

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Saturday, May 16, 2009

Dog Training – Train a Dog to Fetch

The fetch game is probably the most popular and most used dog activity for rewarding your dog and giving him exercise at the same time. Giving your dog regular exercise is essential in keeping your dogs health up to scratch and helping them live a more exciting happy life.

Playing the fetch game with your dog is very easy and takes as much effort as you want to put into it. Simply take some form of ball, Frisbee, or stick and get your dogs attention with it, as soon as your dog has their eyes on the swinging stick, throw it as far as possible and command your dog to fetch the stick and pointing in the direction you threw it in with some enthusiasm to make it seem fun for your dog.

Dogs love this game and are happy to play it al day long with you, some dogs like the game more than others due to breed tendencies to please the owners. There are many different products available to help you with this command if you suffer from a bad back or similar and are incapable of bending down or throwing, this product is a long stick that cups the tennis ball and makes it easier to throw and pick up the ball.

This activity can be an energetic exercise for both you and your dog if you want it to be. Running around after your dog and throwing for your dog to fetch is a way used by many to keep fit and not just their dogs. A helpful two in one exercise to keep both parties healthy can’t be a bad choice!

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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Dog Training – Dog Crate Training

A dog crate is a metal and plastic cage for your dog to sleep in or be in while you are away, the crate helps give your dog a secure place to live while in your home and a place to retreat to when things get a bit to hectic as they do in many family homes today.

Crate training is a very popular and effective technique for teaching your dog right from wrong; this method includes teaching rules of eliminating, sleeping arrangements, and keeping your dog from being destructive when you are out amongst many other benefits.

To crate train you must choose a correctly sized crate that your dog or puppy will be able to grow into with time and they will not be too cramped or have too much space. If your dog has a crate that is too small they won’t want to live there or go there and if the crate is too large it leads to eliminating problems.

You should make your dog feel as comfortable as you can in their crate; this should include putting a bowl of water with your dog in their crate, a nice easily cleanable blanket and put them in an area that is widely used by the family so they always feel part of what is going on.

When you are out, your dog can be closed in their crate to ensure common bad behavioural problems don’t happen while you are out such as chewing, biting and eliminating in the house. Be sure not to keep your dog in their crate for longer than about 4 hours and to let them go to the toilet on a regular basis.

Dogs will naturally not want to eliminate in their place of sleep so as you dog gets used to its new sleeping area it will want to go to the toilet only when they are let out so be sure to take them to their appropriate place for eliminating when they are let out, then reward them for behaving in the correct manner.

Always reward your dog for using the crate in the correct way and be sure all members of the family know that the dog should not be pestered in their crate. As long as this rule is followed then you won’t go far wrong and you will begin to notice great improvements in your dog’s behaviour immediately.

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Monday, May 11, 2009

Dog Training - Old Dogs

There comes a time when your dog will no longer be as young as they used to be and more care and attention might be needed. Everyone and every living thing gets old at some point and there’s nothing anyone can do.

There are however, things that can help dramatically in keeping your dog young and healthy and to set them up for a much better and happier aging. Don’t wait till your dog is old before thinking of the care he will need, you need to constantly look after your dog’s health to stop any unnecessary suffering later on.

The main things that affect your dog’s later life are the diet he/she is on and the exercise they get, along with other less important needs such as grooming and others, feeding and exercise are the main factors in determining your dog’s health later in life.

So what can happen to your dog in later life I hear you ask? Well there are plenty of illnesses and situations that may occur with age because of things not working as well as they used to much the same as human illnesses. Middle age for a dog is around the seven years mark although it depends on dog size and this is when the dog’s body will gradually start to deteriate.

One of the most common of old age symptoms for dogs is hearing and sight deteriation, this can cause the dog to be much more frightened and feeling more vulnerable than they used to. Old Dog personalities may begin to change in affect to this making some more friendly and other more grumpy and snappy. Other old age side effects include putting on weight, weaker muscles and bones, memory loss and being less able to fight off infections and diseases.

Weight gain is a big issue in old dogs and needs to be monitored and acted upon often to make sure your dog doesn’t get unwanted problems through obesity.

In general, if you pet is getting old and you can see he/she is feeling the pain, then take them to the local vet to get advice on any questions you have and have them checked over by an expert.

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Sunday, May 10, 2009

Companion Dog Training Made Easy

Companion dog training is really no different than more advanced training in its principles. All types of training should involve structure and boundaries with clearly defined rules but should be done in a consistent and fun manner. The main difference between companion dog training and more advanced types of training is really the depth of the training.

For example, all dogs should know a stay command. A stay for companion dog training may be short, only a minute or two, and not very far away from the handler; whereas, more advanced training might require a stay of more than 10 minutes in duration and be out of sight from the handler. Companion dog training should include commands such as: sit, down, come, wait/stay, loose leash walking, off (of furniture and people), give or drop it, and leave it. These are the foundation for a well rounded program of companion dog training.

All of these skills can easily be taught (and should be) in a positive and motivational manner. When we train our dogs using motivation instead of force or compulsion, we tap into what our dogs most desire. Just like with people, when a dog wants something, it will work hard to figure out how to get it. Motivation allows us to use these desires to train in more reliably the commands we would like for our dogs to know.

There are different kinds of motivation that can be used effectively in both companion dog training and more advanced types of training. Motivation is anything your dog wants: toys, high value food items like hot dogs, cheese, or jerky, attention and petting, playtime outside, a walk, etc. Motivation also can be used effectively to teach dogs about impulse control and patience. When a dog has to wait to receive its dinner or sit before going outside, it learns that it has to control its impulses and limit its frustration to receive what it wants. Teaching a dog patience should be a cornerstone of companion dog training. The best way to begin a companion dog training program is to invest the time and money in a knowledgeable and patient dog training professional. The Association of Pet

Dog Trainers has a large membership of qualified professionals to select from as do many local Kennel Clubs. A dog training school, club, or professional should always care about what is in the best interest of your dog, have the experience and knowledge, and have the communications skills to convey it. They should be flexible with you and allow you to ask questions as well. Companion dog training should be fun and interesting for both you and your dog. Companion dog training is fun and easy when you set boundaries for your dog using the different commands, teach him patience by asking him to do commands to get what he wants, work with motivations that matter to him, and have the knowledge to train gained from working with a professional.

About the Author

Nancy Richards has been involved with dog training for several years. Learn all about aggressive dog training , companion dog training, dog grooming, diet, care for all dog breeds.

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Dog Training Aids

You may think that dog training aids are out there for you to spend money and not actually reap any benefits from. That is not the case. Dog training aids are there to help you succeed in teaching your dog, this could be teaching him obedience, agility or any other type of teaching you want to do. There are many aids available but only a certain few will work with your dog and his temperament.

I find the best training aid to be treats, small pieces of human food chopped up and given to him when he has done something good has always worked wonders, that is unless your dog doesn’t really have an interest in treats. This is a really cheap method of a training aid but if you want to blow some cash there are hundreds of options available for you.

For dog agility training aids that are available are things like anti bark collars, many dogs have a problem when they do dog agility that they bark constantly basically because o the hype involved. Anti bark collars do one of two things or sometimes both, they give a small electric charge when your dog barks and spray some water up into their face. People may think this is cruel but it is completely harmless it just lets your dog know that barking is not acceptable. These collars are available at pet shops and on the internet and are not to expensive.

For dog obedience some dog training aids that are available are dog clickers, the newest craze out on the market which allows owners instead of associating sit with a word they use a click instead and reward with treats, no punishment allowed. Another aid available is a harness; this gets fitted around your dog’s upper body so when you are teaching him to heel a slight tug on the harness pulls him back completely. The harness is a widely used obedience aid and is greatly used for bigger dogs such as German shepherds and Rottweilers.

There are also dog training aids available for around the home and are simple and effective. Many people turn to dog training aids when nothing else has worked but they don’t have to be the last thing you try, with aids so cheap these days there is no reason why you cant invest in something that will make your dogs learning process a lot more exciting!

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Saturday, May 9, 2009

Dog Training – Easiest Dogs to Train

There are many different breeds of dog and choosing the right one for you or your family can be a difficult choice as there is several different aspects to consider. This article may help you decide on the one you want by naming the dogs with the best training abilities.

There are no guarantees with which dog breeds will behave in certain ways and there will always be exceptions in every breed of dog but there are many characteristics that you can look out for when finding the correct breed for you, here are some of the top dogs in order of ease to train and how quickly they pick up the different tasks and activities.

Labrador Retriever

The Labrador retriever is a very affectionate dog that takes well to unknown strangers, very friendly and the best of our choice of dogs that are easy to train.

Australian Cattle Dog

The Australian cattle dog is yet another easy breed to train and teach new tricks to due to their passion for learning, not so good with other pets and may be a bad choice if other pets are around at your home.


Sheepdogs are renowned for being a good well behaved training dog on places such as farms and holdings. Although good and faithful to owners, these dogs don’t take so well to other people who are not familiar, if you have many visitors to your home it may be a choice of breed.

Australian Shepherd

This is again a dog with very high drive to learn new things and explore things further but is not as friendly as the Labrador retriever at the top of the list and is not as energetic either, but is a good protector of the home.

Border Collie

The border collie is not as trainer friendly as some of the breeds above but is a very hard working dog with lots of affection and energy. The border collie enjoys challenges and challenging training schedules. If you cannot spare at least an hour of intense exercise this might not be the correct dog breed choice for you.

There are many other dog breeds around, and you may prefer other training breeds so before getting a dog be sure to explore all aspects to make sure the chosen dog is correct for you.

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Thursday, May 7, 2009

Dog Training – Sit

Teaching the sit is one of the more simple procedures, but can be vitally important. The method you will use is the lure-reward method. Basically, you will lure the dog into the desired position and reward him when he adopts the position. For this method to work the best, you should not say the word “sit” until your dog consistently responds to your lure, which will initially be the cue for him to sit.

Step 1.) Take your dog to a quiet place

Step 2.) Place a small treat in your hand, between your thumb and your index and middle fingers.

Step 3.) Say your dog’s name (if you have been practicing the Name Game, then your dog will respond by looking at you).

Step 4.) Show your dog that you have the treat in your hand by placing it near his nose, but do not let him grab it.

Step 5.) WITHOUT SAYING ANYTHING, move the treat over your dog’s head, toward his rump, as if you are going to place it right between his ears.

If you do this correctly, your dog should respond by adopting a sitting position. If he does, immediately, say, “Good!” and give your dog the treat.

There is a rule that you will introduce at this point: once you give your dog a command, he should not do anything else at all until you tell him to. After sitting, there are two things that can happen next: 1. You can give another command such as “down” or “stay”, or 2. you can release him. Since at this point, he does not know any other commands to perform, the best thing to do is release him. So, if he sits and you reward him, then:

Step 6.) Say, “Okay!” happily and allow your dog to get up!

Note: If you see that your dog is about to get and you have not said, “Okay”, then simply say, “okay” before he actually gets up, as if it were your idea in the first place.

Troubleshooting: If your dog did not sit:

If when you completed step 5 above, your dog jumped up to grab at the treat, then you were most likely holding the treat too high. Try again and this time keep the treat very close to your dog’s head.

If when you completed step 5 above, your dog backed up instead of sitting, then try the exercise again with your dogs rear-end in a corner (so that he can’t back up).

Practice this with your dog for several days, until he responds very well, almost without fail to your cue of moving the treat over his head, then move on to Phase Two!

Phase Two of The Sit

Now that your dog has mastered the technique and has learned to respond to your non-verbal cue, it is time to introduce the verbal command, “sit”.

Step 1.) Take your dog to a quiet place

Step 2.) Place the treat in your hand, as before

Step 3.) Say your dog’s name, followed by the word, “sit!” (e.g. “Fido, sit!”) You should say, “sit” as though you were commanding your dog to do so. Try to avoid using a tone of voice that suggests that you are “asking” your dog to sit.

Step 4.) Immediately give the non-verbal cue for your dog to sit, by moving the treat over his head, as in the last lesson.

Practice in this manner until your dog starts to respond (sit) as soon as you give the verbal command. Then, slowly fade out the use of the non-verbal command (moving the treat over his head). Remember to always release your dog from the sit position by saying, “Okay!” in an excited tone of voice.

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Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Dog Training Equipment

Training your dog to perform basic obedience commands can enhance your relationship with him, boost his confidence, and overall, help both of you to lead a more peaceful and happy life together! A well-trained, well-mannered dog is truly a great companion to share your life with!

In order to begin training your dog, you will need certain items that will facilitate the learning process. First of all, you will need some type of collar. We recommend using a flat, nylon buckle collar, or for very small dogs, a harness. The collar can also serve to display your dog’s identification tags in case he gets lost.

In addition to the nylon collar, you will need a 6-foot leash. You may choose any material type that you please, but we recommend using a nylon leash. Leather leashes also work very well, but can sometimes be a temptation for your dog to chew on. Metal chain leashes can be very hard on the hands during training and retractable leashes tend to be very cumbersome and hard to handle for training purposes. Nylon leashes are durable, comfortable to use and generally long-lasting.

Another essential tool for training your dog is some kind of motivator. Different dogs will be motivated by different things, so the best way to choose a motivator is to get to know your dog! Generally speaking though, nearly all dogs will respond to food or treats and those that do not, will most often respond to toys or just love and attention. For the purposes of this training ebook, we will focus on using treats as the main motivator for your dog. If your dog is motivated by toys or attention, then simply use that in place of the treats. We recommend using soft, easily breakable treats, as opposed to hard, crumbly treats. The reason being that hard treats tend to crumble onto the ground and can distract your dog from learning because he will be too busy picking up the crumbs from the ground! You will want to break the treats into very small pieces, so that they last longer and so that your dog does not start to feel full and lose interest in the treats while you are still training.

This last tool is absolutely essential to any training program. Make sure you have this tool before beginning any training exercise and, in fact, anytime you are working with you dog at all. The tool is: A Positive Attitude!! Always approach training your dog with a fun and positive outlook. Your dog will most likely pick up on your mood and respond in kind. The idea is for training to be fun and enjoyable for both of you. If you start to feel frustrated, then take a break. If you feel stressed at all, then leave training until later.

So, gather up your training equipment, round up your dog, and get ready to start training.

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Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Dog Training Secrets

Every dog and every dog owner has his or her own unique dog training challenges. Each breed of dog has a different temperament as does each individual dog. And dog owners are no different. Despite the differences, there are some basic things in common for training all dogs.

No matter why you have a dog, he should at least have some very elementary dog training. No one wants a dog who isn't housebroken, who runs away or into the street, who won't sit, come or stay when you want him to. Both you and your dog will be happier with a little common ground on obedience training.

One of the first things to take into account when dog training is that dogs are programmed for a world of leaders and followers. You have to be the leader in your relationship. Signs of a leader are absolute consistency. Know what you want your dog to do and keep that constant from day to day and training session to training session. Don't shout. That is a sign that you have lost control. And keep your dogs attention focused on you during the entire training session.

Attention is the second important thing to keep in mind for dog training and one of the hardest to maintain. It has been said that ninety percent of dog training is getting and keeping his attention. Dogs are very much like small children and have short attention spans. Keep training sessions short - 20 minutes is fine, or even a couple of 10 minute sessions. Work with your dog in a quiet environment that is free of distractions. Talk to your dog in a quiet voice. Use his name and explain what you want him to do. He may understand no more than, "Blah blah blah, Toby", but your voice will keep him focused in your direction.

Experts have found that positive dog training is more effective that a system of rewards and punishment. A dog who looks forward to training sessions as fun and full of rewards is a dog who will learn faster and better. Reward accomplishments with treats or words of praise or pats. As your dog learns new skills, you can reward him for each step along the way. If he doesn't respond the way you want, rethink what you are asking him to do and how you are asking him to do it. What worked as a dog training method for one dog may not work as well for the next. Your dog may need to review some more basic dog training lessons before going on to new lessons. Rather than punishment, a stern NO, blocking a movement with your hands, or withholding rewards when he doesn't perform, and remaining consistent are the best ways to encourage your dog to exhibit the behavior you want. Remember that it is in his nature (as well as yours) to want to test limits and see how much he can get away with. Consistency in dog training and rewards are what get positive results, not punishments.

Dogs are very much like us. They want to follow a leader they respect. And dog training is just like school. They like to do things that are fun and make them feel good, where they get rewards for accomplishing what is asked of them. And they want the same thing their owners want, a happy and safe relationshi

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Sunday, May 3, 2009

8 Dog Training Secrets Revealed

Dog training has evolved so much that it's become extremely easy to forget the basics. Below you'll find 8 tips to help you get much better results when training your dog.

#1. Change the Way Your Train Your Dog

Mix up when and where you train your dog. Try spending 15 minutes with your dog in the morning instead of 15 at night. A change of scenery always keeps things interesting for you and your dog and you will get better results.

#2. Stay Positive!

Always make sure you are up-beat and positive when training your dog. Your dog will feed off this positive energy and will be more willing to learn new things he will learn faster too!. Make sure you always practice using positive reinforcement to drill good behaviors into your dog.

#3. Master a Select Few Exercises

The best way to learn is by mastering a few select exercises at a time. Once one exercise is performed perfectly by your dog, move on to learning another one. Make sure your dog can perform the command well even in a room full of distractions.

#4. Communicate through Body Language

Use body language to communicate more clearly with your dog. Ideally, spoken commands and body language should go hand in hand. Whether you use them together or individually, make sure you use body language.

#5. Learn to Read Your Dogs Facial Expressions

Your dog's facial expressions and body positions can let you know how he's feeling. A stiff body and a closed mouth may mean your dogs tense, a relaxed body with an open mouth most likely means your dog is happy.

#6. Be ConsistentAlways!

When training your dog, consistency would have to be one of the most important habits of all. Make things as easy as you can for your dog use short commands and limit each trick/order to having just one command.

#7. Teaching Good Behavior instead of Punishing Bad Behavior...

Where possible, always train your dog to dog the right thing instead of punishing him for doing the wrong thing. This is an approach that is seldom used but can be very effective.

#8. Learn How to Teach Your Dog From an Expert Dog Trainer

If in doubt, get yourself a copy of a respected dog training guide. Following a guide when training your dog is not only fun but it also means you'll get the best out of your dog and eliminate bad behaviors before they start.

By practicing these tips you will get better training results. Sometimes it's the simple things that make all the difference. To get more top quality dog training information, visit the website links listed below.

By: Jared Mattheson

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Saturday, May 2, 2009

Boxer Dog Training

The Boxer is an amazing dog and is extremely playful, energetic and definitely a handful (in a good way of course). This breed if dog is extremely loyal and when a friendship is built it lasts forever. The boxer is unique and not for everyone, if you are a new owner of a boxer you have to be aware that they need a lot of attention and training. They are extremely intelligent dogs, which can work to your advantage when it comes to training, but then again can be very disadvantageous, as they know how to use their intelligence to get what they want.

Boxer dog training consists of training them up to become guard dogs; this is their main profession if you like. People who do not know boxers tend to assume that they are naturally aggressive when they are in fact the opposite and could not be more playful than any other dog! Because of their good stature and aggressive look, people are automatically assuming this dog could do more harm than good. If your boxer is not trained properly then he just might.

Because of their intelligence, Boxers can be very stubborn but when it comes to training a boxer, it can be very helpful. Owners must remember that there will be times when you ask him to do something and he's going to look you in the face and basically tell you where to go, he knows he is supposed to do what you are telling him but he decides he can't be bothered and doesn't. The main thing you have to remember in these circumstances is to be patient. From as early as 6 weeks old you should start your boxer dog training as this will help him when he grows up, socialize him, play with him and teach him, but do it in an exciting way and he is more likely to listen.

The main aspect of training for a boxer is socialization. Boxers can be very friendly dogs but they need to be trained to become one. They need to get accustomed to other dogs and people. The best way to do this is training classes. That way your boxer will be trained alongside other dogs.

When your boxer reaches 13-16 weeks old it's time for some serious boxer dog training, this is the stage where he is going to test for dominance, he will nip and try to show you that he is the more dominant one, mainly by not listening to you. You have to be a strong leader at this time; you must show him that bad behaviors will not be tolerated no matter what!

Boxers are genuinely a lovable family dog and would make a proud pet for anyone, they are dogs that prefer to sit on you lap for a cuddle than anything else. Train your boxer early with some serious boxer dog training and you can be assured you will have a stunning, loyal family friend!

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