We may have made our pets dependent of a comfortable life, in which the master takes them out for casual walks and feeds them on command, after having cuddled them behind their giddy ears, but a natural instinct for self-grooming will never be gone, and the proud owner should sustain this instinct. This process is a daily and a weekly one, so dog grooming training is necessary in order to make it easier for the pet and for you too. As funny as a bubble bath may seem to our kids, your furry friend may find it strangely irritating, unless you follow some simple training guidelines to make him go through the ordeal of grooming: from clipping his toenails, brushing his fangs, to smoothing that cute rich fur of his, or sleek glossy hide with a welcomed bath. That is the reason why dog grooming training sessions are required, and the good news is you don’t have to have a PhD or a BD for this; you do need some special tools, rewards to motivate the pet and the persistence of your school teacher when telling you about logarithms. The result will be a satisfying one, though, and your dog will be fit to walk on a cat walk!
A Dawdling Process
There are these few main activities that are compulsory when speaking of a dog grooming training session: the brushing of his teeth, the clipping of his nails so as not to scratch that beautiful leather arm chair you just bought or to gather germs that make him prone to diseases and taking care in every possible way of his fur, less or more existent, depending on the breed: the coat of a groomed dog must be glossy, healthy and resistant. In order to do this, you will imminently annoy the dog by touching him in forbidden places: his aggressiveness might be aroused and he may act strangely every time the process recurs. The most important thing is not to hurry up, dawdle here and there, with smooth caresses and sprinkle the dog grooming sessions with several rewards, so that he develop a conditional instinct of pleasure specifically in these times. The first activity is the brushing of his mean “fangs”, to maintain their health and that of the gums too. The muzzle of the dog is another sensitive area so pat him gently and caress the nose and when he pulls up his lip, you will be able to position the toothbrush. Make him feel good during this by enhancing his self-esteem, speaking to him slowly and soothingly and offering him a reward: you shouldn’t be surprised if this training hint will enable you to brush his teeth often and even turn it into a spa for your pet, an enjoyable one.
If you desire to clip the nails, the identical gentle behavior and treats are required, except that you have to touch his paws and to press them to see clearly the nails: it is not a particular pleasant thing for your furry friend so be patient and persistent: the time you are investing in the dog grooming training will be recovered soon, when he will sit calmly every time you want to perform the task a bit faster. The brushing of the pet’s coat of fur is definitely not that difficult or disagreeable, like brushing his teeth or clipping his toenails, to some extent. However, when delicate areas such as his back end or tail are involved, things have to be taken slow: make him comfortable first, when touching these parts of his body, give him rewards, speak soothingly to him, pat him carefully and in the end he will lighten up and allow you to act there as well: operate with slow strokes of the brush in the back side and at the tail to obtain an ideal grooming where it is genuinely needed.
As it has been said, rewards and persistence are the main ingredients to performing a proper dog grooming training, achieving both a better relationship between you and the dog, and make it a more enjoyable task with the permission of your pet.
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